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Sometimes, everything seems fine at first glance, like when you leave milk out for a long time

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Sometimes, everything seems fine at first glance, like when you leave milk out for a long time. It looks fine, but when you go out and drink the milk, you can taste the bitter flavour.

(A/N: I don't think the lines above made any sense whatsoever, I'm trying to be dramatic please forgive me)

That was Peter Parker's life right now, it looked just fine at first glance. Take a deeper look and you'll be running away and avoiding him like the plague.

After his uncle died, he had to grow up quickly. May had to work extremely hard to get money on the table, Peter obviously couldn't bear seeing his aunt overworking herself which is why he got his first job at fourteen, ignoring all of May's protests.

He was now sixteen and thankfully didn't work at some stupid grocery store, He was now spiderman, something for which he apparently got paid generously every month.

His birthday was a week ago and it was safe to say, it was his worst birthday yet.

His birthday was the day when May died.

At first, he refused to believe his only family was dead. Then came the grieving stage, he did nothing but cry straight for a couple of days. Now, he was going through the stage, where he was numb, he couldn't cry even if he wanted to. He didn't feel happy or sad or anxious he just felt numb.

The only person who knows what Peter Parker is up to right now is Ned Leeds, the last person Peter met upon the span of 72 hours.

He obviously went to his trusted friend to help him hack the suit, again.

He needed the suit, that was the last thing in his life that was still there and he wasn't going to let it go.

Peter was currently living on the streets, he didn't exactly mean to run away but he really needed to get some fresh air after what happened, and now if he goes back its straight to some wrecked orphanage.

He decided, he's better off living in the streets, after all, he's sixteen now, two years and he'll be an adult anyway. All he had to do was try not to get noticed which wasn't that hard since he was no Brendon Urie. (still keeping the lame jokes, yay)

He obviously stopped going to school, that's okay though. Peter had enough knowledge to graduate high school anyway.

Peter was currently sitting on a billboard just outside Queens, wondering how one's life can change in a matter of minutes when he felt something behind him

"Hey, kid," Tony spoke suddenly appearing beside Peter in his suit.

"Mr.Stark, H-hi, what are you doing here?" Peter said in the happiest tone he could muster, at first, he contemplated running away but judging by Tony's face, Tony most probably didn't know a thing.

"I was just passing by, then I saw Spiderman on my way home, what are you doing outside Queens anyway?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"I was getting some fresh air," Peter mumbled.

"At 2 in the morning?" Tony raised an eyebrow, Peter just replied with a shrug.

Tony let out a tired sigh, "Go home, I'll drop you,"

Peter opened his mouth to protest but closed it, knowing there was no way getting out of this one, and resorted by giving Tony a simple nod.

Both men soon got out of their suits and made their way into the car, "So why were you outside Queens at 2 AM?" Tony asked again.

"I told you already, I was getting some fresh air," Peter continued with his terrible excuse.

"The real reason," Tony spoke getting a bit irritated, "I was patrolling," Peter quickly said, in a sense, he was patrolling.

But he also didn't have anywhere to go to.

"If May knew you were Spiderman, she would never let you go out at this time of the night," Tony spoke.

Peter's face morphed into a frown at the mention of May, only for a second before he quickly put his poker face back on.

Apparently, that wasn't quick enough. "You, okay kid?" Tony asked trying to hide his concern but obviously failing.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit tired," Peter spoke.

After all, that's what he was,


There was silence all the after that until they reached Peter's apartment. Truth be told, Peter wanted to burst into tears at the sight of his old apartment but refrained from doing so in front of Tony Stark.

"Look, Peter, You're my responsibility, I don't want you staying out so late and getting yourself hurt, okay?" Tony spoke.

"So please, don't stay out this late," Tony said.

Peter simply nodded, not trusting himself with words. "Bye, Mr.Stark," Peter forced out before speedwalking out of the car.

Tony gave Peter a look as he made his way inside the building, something was off about the kid today.

Peter, on the other hand, waited for Tony to leave, standing on the empty lobby that he still had a key for.

After a while when he saw the sleek *insert nice car here* leave, he left the apartment building as well.

A moderate spot, behind a dumpster in an alleyway, had to be Peter's crib for today.

(A/N: haha crib, like MTV cribs? I'm so sorry)

Peter layed on the cold hard ground, trying his best to keep his eyes open, after all, one thing you learn from being a movie geek or a responsible person, in general, is that you should never sleep in areas like this.

You either get killed or mugged,

or even both.

Eventually, Peter Parker's eyes fluttered closed, the exhaustion of the whole day taking over his body.

And thank god, he didn't get mugged or murdered during the night.

After all, the people needed Spiderman.


Here is the edited version of chapter one, it's now longer and hopefully better.

Tell me, if it's good or not. Also, vote and comment if you liked the chapter.



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