ȶɦʀɛɛ: ʀɛȶɨʀɛɖ ֆʊքɛʀɦɛʀօ

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Tony finally made it to the restaurant where he and Peter were supposed to meet, out of all days the traffic had to be terrible today

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Tony finally made it to the restaurant where he and Peter were supposed to meet, out of all days the traffic had to be terrible today.

He entered the restaurant, Peter, nowhere to be seen. That's when Tony noticed a mop of brown curly hair, leaning face down on the table.

"Well, hello Peter," Tony spoke taking a seat across Peter who was still leaning face-down on the table.

"Pete?" Tony asked again only to get no response.

"Peterrr," Tony called out lightly pushing Peter on the shoulder.

Peter instantly jumped up from his peaceful sleep in days, ready to attack whoever necessary, only to see Tony looking at Peter with a half amused- half concerned expression.

"Oh-uh, hi Mr.Stark," Peter said offering Tony a smile, though Tony still had the same look on his face.

"Jesus, what happened kid? You look like you haven't slept for days," Tony spoke observing Peter.

'I didn't' Peter wanted to say, but obviously didn't.

"Yeah, school is a lot of pressure," Peter spoke, internally cringing at his lie. Tony gave Peter the most unimpressed look he could.

"We both know, that's bullshit. I'm assuming you got the black eye from that too," Tony spoke referring to Peter's patrolling.

"No, I actually got that from a school fight," Peter spoke sounding relieved that at least one of his injuries is from his personal life.

"You got any hits in?" Tony asked his protege.

At first, Peter wanted to web Flash to the ceiling, but then he realized it probably isn't the best choice to do.

"Nah, I didn't hit him," Peter spoke casually.

"You let him hit you-come on, you could've at least punched him once," Tony spoke actually sounding disappointed.

Peter let out a chuckle, shaking his head, "Why am I not surprised?"

"Anyways, the reason why I wanted to meet you," Tony started. Peter immediately tensed up, he was scared Tony found everything out, that he was going to take the suit.

Tony slid an envelope over to Peter, "Happy Birthday, kid,"

Peter immediately relaxed, "Mr.Stark you didn't have to do this," Peter said, though he was still smiling.

"Just open it, kid," Tony waved off.

Peter opened the envelope, only to see two tickets to Hawaii. Peter looked up at Tony, his mouth slightly open.

"You like it?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"Mr.Stark, thank you I love it but I can't take this," Peter spoke trying not to offend Tony.

"Take it, you and May need some well-deserved vacation,"

"Thank you," Peter spoke, trying not to feel sad at the mention of May.

Peter and Tony spoke for a while, Peter subtly changing the subject about May every time, Then Tony gave Peter a huge-ass lecture about how he needs to stop patrolling so much. Peter also finally got some proper food in his system.

After the food and everything were done, Tony had to go. "Alright, kid, I gotta go. Try not to take over the world," Tony said while standing up.

Peter gave a small smile, "No promises," Peter joked.

Little did Tony Stark know that Spiderman planned something completely different from taking over the world.


The sun had just gone down a couple hours ago, Tony was lounging on the couch all alone. Ever since the war, Tony was all alone in this huge-ass tower.

Bruce, Tony's science buddy was off to god know's where. Thor was most probably in Asgard and the others were just with Steve.

Pepper was too busy managing the company and Rhodey was with the army, at least Tony still had Peter,

And Happy.

Tony reached for the remote to turn off the god-forsaken television when something unusual popped up.

"A heavy fire in an apartment in Queens, four injured and one dead," The news-reporter showed a picture of Peter's apartment.

Tony stared at the screen in confusion, 'Peter's apartment had a fire? Why didn't he tell me? He seemed fine,'

"The residents were rescued by Spiderman who is often seen lurking around Queens," Tony was really shocked now, why didn't Peter tell him anything about this?

"May Parker, 46, was found dead after exhaling toxic gases," Tony was getting worried, he immediately called Peter, who usually always answered at first call.

"Pick up the phone, Peter," Tony said to himself through gritted teeth, Tony called him one last time, only to get no answer.

Tony was about to get into his suit and start searching for Peter when FRIDAY spoke, "Mr.Stark, Peter Parker seems to have left a package for you,"

Tony went downstairs as quickly as he could, rushing to see what Peter left, there was a medium black box, nothing else.

Tony opened the box, only to see, Peter's spiderman suit, two tickets to Hawaii and a note.

-From your neighbourhood friendly Spiderman,


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