ɛɨɢɦȶ: ɮǟʟɖ ɛʏɛ քǟȶƈɦ ɢʊʏ

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Peter Parker was getting tired sitting around in a room doing nothing, at least the room had a shower

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Peter Parker was getting tired sitting around in a room doing nothing, at least the room had a shower.

Now that Peter was refreshed and well-fed, he was bored.

After all, how long can a person sit around in a room with absolutely nothing to do, If Peter kept track of time correctly, then, It was probably night, right now.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Tony everything, he himself wasn't completely sure why he ran.

Tony decided to go check on Peter but when he entered the room, he saw no one.

"Hi, Mr.Stark," Peter spoke while hanging upside down from the ceiling practically giving Tony a heart attack.

"What the fu-kid will you get down from there?" Tony asked looking up at Peter with an amused expression.

"Sorry," Peter chirped while getting down, he was in a much more decent mood now.

"It's fine, just checking on you," Tony said.

And there went Pete's good mood.

"What you thought, I ran away again?" Peter asked harshly.

"Why are you getting so defensive? I just wanted to see if you needed something," Tony spoke defending himself.

"Mr.Stark, please let me go," Peter said almost pleadingly. To be honest, he was having more mood swings than a girl on her period.

Tony let out a sigh, he could deal with angry Peter but sad Peter was a whole another story.

"Let you go where? On the streets? Cause that's definitely not happening," Tony spoke.

Peter sat on his bed, tears threatening to spill, after all this time, with what happened with May, he had not once cried in front of anyone.

He thought it made him look weak and Spiderman couldn't be weak, Spiderman had to be strong and not be some fifteen-year-old boy crying his eyes out.

But, Tony Stark could see right through his facade, after all, he had lost his parents at one point of his life too.

"Look, kid, I'm really sorry for everything that happened with May," Tony said in a comforting voice while taking a seat next to Peter.

"I-I had to carry her out the apartment, while she was unconscious," Peter said his voice cracking in mid-sentence.

"I know how it feels to lose someone very important to you, It's terrible," Tony spoke.

Peter wiped his eyes, "I was scared," He suddenly spoke with no expression.

"What?" Tony asked a bit confused.

"I ran because-- I was scared," He finally said.

"Peter, you have nothing to be scared of anymore," Tony spoke trying to be reassuring, he really didn't know what to do right now and he really wished Steve was here right now, he would know what to do in these situations.

"I'm so sorry," Peter said with almost no emotion, Tony felt almost scared seeing the kid like this, not once he saw Peter without a smile on his face.

"It's fine, now, I think you should go to sleep, tomorrow you can meet the Avengers," Tony said even offering a supportive smile.

"Don't they stay with you?" Peter asked.

"Not yet, no," Tony answered almost looking a bit sad.


It was 6 in the morning, Tony just couldn't sleep. He was way too worried about everything, especially where Peter was going to go.

He decided to call the one person that he knew could help him right now.

"Stark? Why the hell are you calling me right now?"

"Hi, Fury,"


Sorry for the late update but I needed to study to make sure I don't fail.

Hope you guys liked the chapter.



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