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The Avengers, Tony Stark, and Nick Fury were all in one of the many meeting rooms of Stark Tower, Peter Parker was still in his room, feeling a tad better than he did when he first came here

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The Avengers, Tony Stark, and Nick Fury were all in one of the many meeting rooms of Stark Tower, Peter Parker was still in his room, feeling a tad better than he did when he first came here.

"So, why are we here again?" Clint asked breaking the ice.

"Well, firstly we want you to meet Spiderman, the new addition to the team," Fury started.

Tony had already talked about it with Peter and considering the only reason Peter rejected the offer in the first place was because of May, who is now dead. He had nothing better to do.

"We don't want nor do we need an annoying sixteen-year-old in the team," Sam said expressing his un-ending hatred towards Spiderman.

"Wait, why are you even telling us that?" Steve asked considering they weren't exactly the Avengers anymore.

"That brings me to my second point, The accords have been cleared," Fury drops the bomb.

"Wait, what?" Natasha asks shocked.

"The accords have been cleared," Fury says slowly as if that would make total sense.

"How are they cleared?" This time, Wanda spoke.

"Since you guys managed not to kill anyone, for the past year, I talked to the government, this is your last chance," Fury warned.

"So, what, we just get back together?" Sam spoke.

"Do you want me to throw you a party, Wilson?" Tony spoke sarcastically.

"What about Buck?" Steve spoke completely ignoring Tony.

"Mr.Barnes-- is fine as long as he doesn't go crazy," Fury spoke.

"He isn't crazy," Steve hissed thankful that Bucky wasn't here for this meeting.

"Alright it's settled then, you guys can move in, I'll send the paperwork to Tony later," Fury concluded.

The Ex-Avengers looked at each other having a silent conversation when Steve finally nodded at Fury.


"Are we meeting the little shit now or later?" Sam asked.

"Can you not talk about my-- intern like that," Tony paused in the middle of the sentence.

"Boohoo, cry yourself a river Tony," Sam replied.

"FRIDAY, call Peter Parker to the meeting room," Tony spoke to his AI deciding to ignore Sam.

After a while, Peter stumbled into the room, definitely not expecting to see all the Avengers and some bald guy with an eye-patch.

"Uh- I thought you called me, I'll just go back," Peter said awkwardly making his way back to the exit again.

"No, Pete, wait," Tony called, causing Peter to stop in his tracks.

"Mr.Parker, nice to meet you," Fury said thrusting his hand forward for Peter to shake.

Peter stared at the hand awkwardly for a second before finally shaking it, "Nice to meet you too, Mr--" Peter trailed off not knowing the guy's name.


"Mr.Fury," Peter said trying to keep his voice even, it was definitely intimidating to be in a room full of super-heroes.

And a bald guy with an eye-patch.

"Hi, Everyone," Peter said to the room full of Avengers, adding an awkward wave.

The whole room remained silent so Steve decided to step in, "It's nice to have you on the team," Steve said nodding at Peter who sent him a grateful smile.

Peter then got introduced to everyone, finding Natasha to be most welcoming and Sam being an asshole.

They talked with Peter for a while, when Clint spoke, "So Peter, who's in your family?" He asked, attempting to make conversation.

Peter's smile was instantly wiped from his mouth, "Uh- my aunt," He spoke, Tony gave him a look but didn't say anything.

The Avengers took it as a good answer and moved on to another topic, while Peter leaned against the table not really talking much for the rest of the evening.

The Avengers finally went back to where they were hiding, apparently, they were going to move to the Tower after a couple of days.

That night Peter layed in bed thinking about what he said, but then again he didn't say anything wrong, May was still his family, she was still there for him.

Just not physically.


Hi, how you guys doing?

I'm currently very scared cause school's starting after the vacation.

Anyways, hope you guys liked the chapter :)



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