0.1; Lorelair lair pants on fire

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[A/n: Far warning this chapter really sucks and idk how to save it]

Mystic Falls, one of the least fortunate towns of America, no matter how small and innocent looking it may seem. It was a place Lorelai had hoped to avoid, nothing good ever happened in Mystic. In her opinion, it was a town full of ignorant humans who threw parties and taught classes on the history of the town when in truth what they knew of their past was mostly lies made up by a corrupt council of it's town's 'founders' to hide the presence of the supernatural in Mystic Falls. And for that reason, despite the town's beauty in it's self, Lorelai hated the town. And yet here she was, standing at the front desk in the main office enrolling at Mystic Falls High School, simply because her brother saw a pretty girl and thought the best way to pursue her was by enrolling in high school for the trillionth time. Not stalker-ish at all, right?

Lorelai Salvatore, 166 years old and the middle child in the Salvatore clan stood impatiently next to her youngest brother. Behind the desk sat the secretary was going over the siblings paperwork. She listed off all of the things the siblings were missing. Lorelai stopped listening, it was Stefan's idea to go back to high school, so therefore it was his problem to fix. The darker haired Salvatore let her eyes wander as two girls walked by, stopping in the door way of the office, checking out the new kids.

Bonnie Bennett, a beautiful dark skinned girl with brown almost black hair that fell into curls around her face. Lorelai, still not knowing who the girl was, couldn't help but feel she looked familiar, though she could only get a partial look at her from the corner of her eyes, trying not to be too obvious about the fact that she was listening into their conversation.

Along with the pretty witch was Elena Gilbert, the reason the Salvatores were back in Mystic Falls to begin with. A tall, olive skinned brunette, who looked too much like Katherine for it to be natural.

The two talked quietly about the mysterious, new students in front of them. Elena checking out Stefan while Bonnie made a comment, her eyes landing on Lorelai, who was leaning on her elbows in front of the desk. "Its a hot back." She told her friend, who agreed, completely unaware of the fact that they were both looking at two different Salvatores. Lorelai couldn't help but turn her heard towards the young, and ignorant witch, winking at her when their eyes met. Bonnie blushed, confused and embarrassed that the elder Salvatore had heard her. Bonnie shook it off while Lorelai chuckled quietly. "I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar, she rides a motorcycle." The witch told Elena.

Lorelai shook her head in amusement before turning back to her brother who was compelling the secretary. Being that he only drank animal blood, she was slightly concerned not wanting him to expose them so soon.

"Please, look again, I'm sure you'll find everything you need is there," he compelled, having removed his sunglasses to look her in the eyes. The siblings watched as the compulsion took effect and the lady's pupils dilated before returning back to normal. Looking down she nodded checking the papers again.

Somewhat dazed she responded. "You're right, so it is." The lady handed the Salvatores their schedules and sent them on their way. Leaving the office, Stefan and Lorelai passed by the pretty mocha-skinned girl, the other brunette no longer with her friend. Stefan noticed her starring, giving her a polite smile while his older sister took a different route, instead she smirked at the human before her. Bonnie blushed, embarrassed even more to be caught starring again, and this time by both of them.

Lorelai and Stefan continued walking, unaware of the witch following behind them, in a bit of a trance like state. As they continued to their first period class, Stefan bumped into the Katherine -look-a-like. She had been rushing out of the boy's bathroom. 

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