5.0; Just because you don't get any dick, doesn't mean you have to be one.

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5.0; Just because you don't get any dick, doesn't mean you have to be one.

Lorelai had been busy this past week, her favorite brother was desiccating in the basement, Stefan and his righteous attitude had been amplified with Damon's capture. She just spent the last three days dodging Elena Gilbert and her insistent questioning on where Stefan was, as well as Bonnie Bennett, the witch she barely kissed at the Founder's day party. The latter was a bit easier to avoid seeing as she seemed to want nothing more to do with the 166 year old vampire after she ditched her at said party. But to top it all off, now she was in the process of trying to get out of an event she had agreed to as a joke. 

Caroline Forbes, apparently could not take a joke. "I asked you days ago if you'd help out with the Sexy Suds Car Wash. You can't back out last minute."

"I was joking, Caroline." Lorelai groaned, trying to correct her mistake as she followed the blonde down the hallway where she was handing out flyers.

"You're just backing out because Bonnie will be there. I don't know what you guys are fighting about but fix it and don't be late, plus everyone already knows you committed and want to see the hot new girl in a bikini so wear something sexy."

The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes, debating strangling the Barbie wannabe right then and there, but after a few moments she decided against it, deciding instead that maybe Caroline was right about Bonnie.

It didn't take long to find the witch, but much to Lorelai's dismay she was with the last person she wanted to see. The Salvatore girl almost turned around, chickening out of reconciling with Bonnie, but by that point both girls had already spotted her. "Hey, Lorelai." Elena greeted awkwardly. 

"Elena." She replied, running a hand through her hair, feeling just as awkward as Elena looked. "Bon, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Actually, I have to -"

"Yeah, of course you can, I have to get to class anyway-" Elena interrupted, just as Bonnie looked ready to dart in the opposite direction.

"Hey," Stefan walked up to the group, and had Lorelai, despite the awkward tension, couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation, now it was Elena who looked ready to dart in the other direction. 

"Well, that's our que, come on, Bonnie." She grabbed the other girl's arm pulling her away from the star crossed lovers. Once they were away from the crowds of students Lorelai stopped walking. "So,"

"You wanted to talk? I have to get to my next class." Bonnie crossed her arms, obviously not particularly happy to be forced into a conversation with Lorelai.

"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened the other night, but had to deal with some family issues."

The witch rolled her eyes, "By 'family problems' you mean dealing with the fact that your brother was abusing one of my best friends."

Lorelai almost flinched at the pure venom in the other girl's voice. "I didn't know, I swear. He's never done this before." It wasn't technically a lie, her brother had never kept one of his 'toys' alive that long so at least that part was the truth at least. 

"Okay, but that doesn't explain how you even knew something was going on in the first place, or why you didn't bother to call me after it was dealt with."

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