0.0; Prologue

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1863, Mystic Falls, Virginia. 

It was a gorgeous Autumn morning, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The trees on the estate were barren, it's brown and orange leaves laid messily on the grounds of the large gardens owned by one of the founders of the town, The Salvatores.

The sun was still rising casting a orange-y hue over everything, but the small amount of sunlight peeking through the curtains of the second born Salvatore's bedroom window was enough to wake her.

Yawning the raven-haired girl sat up, stretching her limbs out as she did so. Lorelai Salvatore huffed seeing how early it was in the morning, but rose from the large queen-sized bed anyway, forgetting about the guest in her bed, who groaned at being woken up so early, seeing as they got to bed so late.

"Must you wake so early every morning?" The brunette bedmate asked, annoyed as they clutched a pillow tightly over their head, likely to block out the sunlight.

"It's not my fault you stayed up all night, actually, nevermind. It kinda is. But, for godsake you're a vampire, do you even need sleep?" The pale skinned Salvatore questioned her lover with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Her lover didn't respond, moving to throw the pillow at Lorelai. Lorelai chuckled, catching the pillow, the woman sat up with a groan, hastily putting on a silk robe, covering their naked body as the stood up. "And where do you think you're going?" Lorelai asked, a smirk tugging at her lips as she walk over to the brunette, being sure to sway her bare hips as she did so.

"To sneak into one of your brother's beds, of course. Because at least they wake at a reasonable hour." The brunette vampires answer made Lorelai groan and roll her eyes, by this point she'd made her way over to Katherine, letting her hands run down the immortal's sides. "Is that jealously I sense?" Katherine laughed, "Are you mad I'm sleeping with your brothers as well as you?"

"Are you mad I'm sleeping with your witchy little hand maid?"

Katherine pretended to think about it for a moment. "No, not particularly."

"Well then, Kat, there's your answer." Lorelai sighed, "I'm just bored, Emily doesn't get up for at least a few more hours, so if you're off with doing things I'd rather not think about with my brothers, who am I supposed to do while I wait for our little witch to awake?"

Katherine chuckled tilting her head to the side with a look on her face that practically screamed 'I'm ready to cause some trouble'. "That reminds me, what does our darling Emily think about our little night time adventures in the sheets?" At this Lorelai hesitated, something that did not go unnoticed by the Petrova doppelganger. "Ooh, she doesn't know, does she." Lorelai didn't answer, instead finding a sudden interest in the birds perched on the bare trees outside her window. "Poor Emily, you know, Lorelai, she fancies you quite a lot. I'd hate for her to find out her lover and her best friend are, well, lovers as well." Katherine smirked deviously, Lorelai, having known Katherine for quite some time now was used to her mind games, but this particular one made her stomach turn.

"That's not funny, Kat."

"I'm not laughing, Lori."

Lorelai rolled her eyes at the olive skinned vampire. "Whatever, Katherine, do want you want, see if I care."

"Oh but you do care, don't you, Lorelai, you won't admit it but you like the Bennett witch back don't you." Katherine leaned closed to the guarded Salvatore, pointing at her, amused at the entire situation. "And yet you keep her at a distance, why is that, darling?"

"I think its time you left." Lorelai told her sternly, no longer in the mood for games.

1 year later

"Emily! Stop, don't do this! I never meant to hurt you!" Lorelai screamed, falling to her knees, clutching her head in pain as the witch chanted in Latin.

Not edited yet, so sorry about that but ...
Prologue is finally finished, chapter 1 is in the works.
The plot isnt very planned out yet but its getting there.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Be sure to like, vote, and comment if you did!
I've been thinking about writing this for a while and i am excited that I finally am!


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