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Jacob's pov

I got dressed up in my royal outfit because I need to look well dressed. Though I may look feminine, I'm the second best boyfriend you could have. First best is Matthew. I walked over to his house and I was so nervous. When I got there it was 4 minutes before 6 pm. Yes.

His mom opened the door and she looked me up and down, probably surprised that I'm not in a suit. "Yeah my prince attire is this. I don't look good in a suit." I said, which made her giggle. Yep I got her to laugh, now I need to make sure I get his dad to laugh.

She let me in and I saw where Matthew and his dad sat. I sat down beside Matthew and his dad looked at me. "Are you a prince or a princess?" His dad asked. "Prince." I said. His mom sat down beside him and they both looked at me.

His dad was giving me the death stare and his mom just looked at me. "Hey here um, you two are 30 now right?" I asked them. they nodded looking confused. "Well you two have lived a month of birthdays." I said. They all laugh and I did as well.

I am making a good impression, yes, that's what I wanted. "Jacob was it?" His mom asked. I nodded smiling. "You better treat Matthew like a king." His dad said.

"Wouldn't dream of treating him less like one. I won't treat him like any normal person would." I said. Then my head started hurting and I think Matthew noticed. "Here let's get you to a room Jakey, okay?" He asked.

I just nodded and got up slowly, and Matthew walked me to his room. He laid me down on his bed and lightly kissed my forehead. "Is he bothering you?" Matthew asked. "What do you think?" I asked.

"He is. Baby he won't hurt you as long as you're here with me." He whispered into my ear. His parents came into the room and they looked at us. "Jacob was that extremely deep demonic voice you?" His dad asked.

"Yes." I said. "Wow, so my son wants to be with Shad's son." He said. "Yep." I said. "What's wrong with your voice dear?" His mom asked. "His dad is abusive and his dad is bothering him." Matthew said.

"Oh." Is what they said. Truth be told it wasn't my dad. It was a memory I wish me and Anti could forget. I couldn't help but cry remembering that day. Matthew sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's okay baby, you're safe here." He whispered petting my head. I cried more and then Anti appeared. "Having flashbacks of that day in December, in 1721?" Anti asked.

I nodded crying. "May I talk to Jacob guys?" Anti asked. Everyone nodded and walked out of the room. I got up off of Matthew's bed and ran into Anti's arms.

I cried into his chest and he petted my head. "Jacob, I know that you hate that memory and wish we could forget. But I know that if that never happened, our bond wouldn't be as strong as it is now." He whispered. "Anti, can you do what always made me happy when I was younger?" I asked looking into his mismatched eyes.

"You have a boyfriend now. You would be cheating if you did that." He said. "I know, but Anti please? I'll call you the name I know you like." I said looking at him.

"Jacob, I don't want you to lose the boy you just got. Please listen to me about it." He said. "Anti I don't want to have sex with him yet, mostly because we've only just started dating." I said.

Anti looked me in the eyes and he saw that I was being serious. "Jacob.... you know I haven't been the dominant one since we dated." He said shyly. "I know but daddy Anti come on please?" I asked in a low voice.

"Fine. Just tell Matthew that you're not cheating and that we're doing this so you forget about that memory." Anti said. "Okay Anti." I said. I walked outside of Matthew's room and I looked at Matthew.

"Matthew, listen, it wasn't my dad that was bothering me. It was a past memory of the day I got raped..." I said. "My Irene I'm so sorry baby." He said.

"Babe, I'm going to.... have sex with Anti because I don't wanna have sex with you yet because it's to soon in our relationship." I said looking down at the ground. "Jacob, do what's best. Your mental state is something I care about. So go have fun, just be safe baby." He said.

I pulled him into a sweet and passionate kiss. It was slow and sweet. I pulled away after a bit and me and Anti disappeared to my house.

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