Heartless and hungover

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I wake up to a banging on my flat door.

I roll out of bed and hold my head.

"I'm never drinking again, fucks sake." I say while making my way to the front door.

The knocking continues.

"I'm coming, Jesus Christ!" I say turning the door knob.

"Good afternoon sunshine."

There Harry stand with a similar attire to last night.

"You look-" he pauses, "tired."

"Try hungover. Is it twelve already?" I say walking away from Harry and into the kitchen.

"No. But you need to expect the unexpected." He chuckles while following behind me.

"You want anything to eat?" I say taking a bowl out of my cabinet.

"Yeah actually. Get some clothes on, I know this place a few blocks from here. Their food is amazing."

"I thought this wasn't a date?" I say remembering last night.

"Who said it was?" His face expressionless.

"You, indirectly."


"Then why are you even here?" I say more rude than I had anticipated.

"We can't be friends?"

"I'm not stupid Harry. Far from it actually. I don't need friends. Thanks anyways. You can show yourself out, you remember where the door is right?"

I don't know what came over me.

"So let me get this straight, it's okay to have a boyfriend, but not a BOY FRIEND?" He says raising his voice slightly.

I hadn't really thought that through.

"You're actually really cute when you're annoyed you know?" He continues.

"What do you want from me, for fucks sake?" I say running my hands through my slightly tangled hair.

"I'm not sure yet. But I'm having fun." He smirks.

My phone goes off and Emily's face pops on the screen.

I lock my phone and look back at Harry.

"You wanna play? Lets play then." I say stepping closer to Harry.

"Go get dressed, remember what I said, no costumes." He chuckles.



I watch her walk into what I imagine is her bedroom.

A box labeled "pictures" sits at my feet.

I decide to pick it up and look through them.

The pictures vary from her as a toddler to recent pictures. One face reoccurs in almost every picture. She appears to be the same age as Mary, if not close.

"What are you doing?" I hear from behind me.

"Change of plans, I'm going to the movies with a friend." I say, lying.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Her face flushes red and I can tell she's upset.

"Don't take it personally Mary." I say rudely.

"Get the fuck out of my flat, now."

"You act like you're my girlfriend or something. We're not even friends, Jesus Christ." I say getting quite annoyed myself.

"Did you not hear me? Want me to say it in a language you might understand? Like arsehole?"

She looks so attractive right now. A black and blue plaid shirt is tied around her waist, falling around her white jeans. Her black crop top reveals a belly ring and a tattoo that I can't quite make out.

"Yeah that might work." I say smirking.

"I've only known you for not even a whole day and you're already driving me fucking insane." She runs her hands through her now straight hair.

"Good." I say walking towards her.

I put my right hand on the small of her back, and my other on her cheek.

"What are you-"

Before she can finish I press my lips against hers.

"Now ill leave." I say turning away from her and walking out the door.

As I shut the door behind me I stand there for a second.

A smile comes upon my face.

"What am I doing?" I say as I walk away from the door.



I stand there in the middle of my living room motionless for a second.

I uncontrollably smile.

"What am I doing?" I say before walking to my bedroom.

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