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IT WAS A COLD APRIL NIGHT, the wind nipping at the edges of Laury's skirt. It was 2 in the morning, and she could smell the overwhelming scent of the ocean, the salt rubbing uncomfortably against her already red nose.

Her mums all had plans for the spring break, so they called her friend Alondra's dad, and asked if Laury could stay with him for the two week break, which Alondra's dad was happy to do. It was nice to visit Alondra's hometown, but she desperately missed her parents.

Laury had known Alondra for only three years, meeting her at the Garrison, but she still considered her to be her closest friend. Alondra's family was as big as ever, with an older brother, a little sister, about 10,00 cousins, and 3 aunts. Erica was Alondra's little sister. She was skinny and lean, and quiet as a mouse for most of the time Laury ever hung around her.

It was the dead of night when Lance, one of Alondra's cousins, had snuck into the room they were sleeping in and told them he was going to go hang out on his uncle Ross's roof, and they could join him if they wanted.

Erica had despised the idea, and told them they would get in massive loads of trouble with their dad if he caught them. But Laury complied easily, because she wouldn't ever say it, but she really wanted Lance to think she was cool. (She would would never, EVER let him know though).

Lance, trailed not far behind them. Despite the boy being three years older then her, she considered him a close friend. Well, she did only have two other friends besides him, so it wasn't that hard for him to be considered a friend.

She had seen a few times at flight school. She thinks he's a cargo pilot, but then again, she doesn't really the best memory, so she's not sure. Laury herself is a terrible pilot, and everyone who's ever known her knows this very well.

Laury wouldn't like to say she's always known she wanted to be a astroacoustician, someone who studies space sound waves, but she would be lying. She at first tried to be a pilot, but when she failed brilliantly at that, she trailed into the acoustics of space, and it went off from there.

Alondra was a pilot, rising into fighter class. She loves the rush of adrenaline every time she gripped the wheel. She was known for being nice and sweet, but all that kindness melted away as soon as she sat in the deck of any plane.

After sneaking out of the house, the four kids tip toed as lightly as they could to Alondra and Erica's dad's shed, a small building with a scrappy piece of metal as the roof. The light of the half moon lit up the trash bins littered around it, reflecting onto the roof.

"Come on, Erica!" Alondra called down to her little sister, who was struggling to climb the trash cans to get to the roof.

"What if dad finds us?" She asks Alondra, her eyes wide and frantic, "We'll get in trouble!"

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