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AFTER HER ENCOUNTER WITH RA, Laury is absolutely amped up. It's like someone enjected the absolute worst type of caffeine straight into her bicep, and now she's running around her own damn office, pulling down records and comparing past theories like a child on a sugar rush.

It's starting to get late when Kai officially decides to clock out.

"Are you sure you'll be good for the night?" Kai asks, his knapsack swung around his shoulders as he stands on the doorstep, "It's pretty late."

"I'll be fine, Kai." Laury tells her concerned friend, worry etched deep in his soft Dacia features, "Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry, alright?" She spins around in her chair, looking up at the ceiling, "Go like... throw a knife against a wall repeatedly or something to calm your nerves."

She's surprised when he doesn't even scoff in remark to her quip, but just narrows his eyes at her suspiciously, before letting out a sharp sigh.

"It's not my nerves I'm worried about, Laury." He tells his friend, crossing his arms and pointedly looking at her.

"Funny." She deadpans, "Now goodbye."

Kai rolls his eyes, and huffs. Why do I even try? He thinks to himself. "See you tomorrow."

"See you." She says back, and upon hearing the gentle sound of the door shutting, immediately picks up a pen and starts rewriting Kai's notes.

When Laury's done writing her notes, she feels like she's going to pass out, but she feels like she has the basics down. Kai's notes, while easy to read, made her feel like this situation was average. She had to document absolutely ever single detail she remembered. She had too.

All Laury could honk about while recording the frequencies of her transmissions was Ra. A alien princess with a odd british accent who was part of some space police force. What did she look like? Did she have family? Friends?

When Laury couldn't even her own hand writing due to how tired she was, she decided she had written long enough. She let out a stretched, cat-like yawn. Maybe just a little rest would be good... She told herself, and passed out almost immediately.

When Kai enters the still lit up office despite it being almost two hours since curfew, he's concerned. He knocks softly on the door, and upon getting no answer, walks in.

"Hey Laury?" He asks, only to see a sleeping Laury on the desk, her hand tight around her radio transmitter. He softly chuckes to himself before going over to her and picking her up bridal style.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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