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im a big stupid and published chapter three by mistake and labeled it chapter two and didn't realize until two days later?? my stupid dumb ass??? ugh anyway sorry for that dndnd


"YES, I-I CAN," LAURY STUTTERED OUT, her heart beating so fast she could barley talk. Get control of yourself, stupid, she growled to herself, "Who is this? Which planet do you come from? Or galaxy?"

She's been dreaming about this moment for years. Her hair is sticking to her forehead as sweat drips down her head, and she honestly feels like she's going to vomit.

"My name is Princess —ra of—tea." The voice said, static overcoming their voice at times. Laury hung onto every word, "I am a — of Volt—. —hich planet is this?"

"Princess Ra Of Tay-a." The black haired girl turned around in her rolling chair, facing Kai, who was writing notes lightning fast. "Write that down."

"Alright Princess Ra, I'm Cadet Orii." She leaned forward to face the dusty transmitter, which seemed more alive then it ever had. She took in a deep breath, and her voice went low, "Are you allied with Galra forces?"

"Of course —ot!" Ra sounds offended by the notion she would ever ally herself with a Galra. Even with all the interference, Laury can hear the horror dripping from the alien's voice, "I just told you I was a pala—n of Volt—n. Is your planet is danger? Is t—s a distress signal?"

Laury clears her throat "Out planet is under attack by Galra forces, I—"

A swift force pushes Laury's chair across the room, sending her head spinning. Standing in front of her is Kai, leaving into the transmitter.

"This is Officer Tamaka." He basically growls, and it sounds so hostile Laury visibly cringes, "State your business, and intentions."

"What the hell, Kai?!" Laury grabs the boy by his collar, but he shakes her off easily, "Get off!"

"For all we know," the boy starts, pointing back  and forth between them and the machinery, "they could be a Galra general zeroing in our location right now, just waiting for us to say how to lower Garrison defenses!"

"Listen, I get your personal issues with Galra," Laury composes herself, trying her best not to push Kai out of the room entirely, anger seething off every piece of her body, "but I've been waiting five years to do this. So get near my equipment again and I'll snap your neck in half."

Kai doesn't say anything. He simply clears his throat, sits down, and readies himself to write more notes. Laury flinches. Maybe she shouldn't have been so hard on him.

STATIC,    princess alluraWhere stories live. Discover now