the party !

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"My names Max, Max Mayfield." Max stood in front of her new math class introducing herself,
"Well thank you Max. You take a seat by.."
The teacher looked around for an empty seat, he smiled looking to Will Byers "Behind Will." He pointed in Will's direction. Maxine nodded walking towards the short boy taking a seat, he smiled at her before turning back around.
Everybody's eyes were on her and she knew it, Max could tell she already hated this school.

"Hey wait up!" Max turned around, and there stood the kid she sat behind in Math class
"I'm Will, as you know. What class do you have next? I could help you get there!"
Max giggled at how friendly he was being,
"Yeah, sure. I have Mr Clarke's science class."
"Awesome! I'm in that class, and so is my friend Mike, I'll show you the way." Max wondered if it was the same Mike she saw in the arcade. They walked down the halls until they reached Mr Clarke's class, Will lead her to an empty desk so she wouldn't have to introduce herself again,
"Thanks," Max smile sitting down, she looked up as she heard the classroom door open.
It was Mike, cute Mike from the arcade,

Mike walked into his science class like he usually did, but this time was different. There was a beautiful redhead sitting in his usual spot,
"That's my seat." Mike spoke cold, he wouldn't let himself think anything nice about this girl.
"O-Oh sorry, I..I uh," She looked at Will who quickly looked away, he had forgotten it was Mikes usual seat. "Sorry, yeah."
Max quickly stood up, taking the seat in front of him. Mike sighed sitting down, he gave Will an annoyed look who shrunk into his seat.

"Guys, this is Max. She's new in Hawkins,"
William smiled introducing Max to Lucas and Dustin "Yeah, I met her at the arcade,"
Lucas grinned at her, Dustin smiled as well.
The four began chatting happily, Max was fitting in quite quickly. Mike looked over, immediately sighing as he saw Maxine. He had never felt such an attraction to anyone before, which made him furious. He lied to himself for Elle, all for Elle
"Can I talk to you guys?" Mike looked around
"Whats up?" Dustin asked curiously, "Alone."
Mike narrowed his eyes at Max, but he was really just observing her pretty blue eyes
"Yeah, I guess. Sorry Max." Lucas looked down as the boys walked off. She sighed, walking into the gymnasium, where she could skate.

"Why are you guys hanging out with her?"
Mike crossed his arms at his friends
"She's cool Mike, why don't you like her?"
"Yeah, You act like she's your arch nemesis."
Dustin sat down, crossing his arms as well
"Because she's annoying!"
Micheal stormed out of the A.V club room, he was done talking about Max. He decided to go into the gym where he could call his girlfriend
Mike opened the door, seeing Max, her red hair resting behind her yellow sweater "What?"

Max continued skating, not looking at Mike
"I didn't know you'd be in here. I wanted to
call my Girlfriend." He sighed, watching her.
"Well this is the only place I can skate." She moved in a figure eight, he tried not to smile but couldn't help himself "W-Well you can leave." Mike shook his head, shaking away his smile too,
"Why do you hate me so much?!"
"How could I hate you? I don't even know you,"
"Well you don't want me in your party,"
"Correct." Mike began walking to the door
"Why?" Max tried to quickly skate closer, but failed, flying back off her board and hitting her against the hard wooden bleachers "Max!"

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