the forrest !

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"Mike!? Mike!?" Max called out into the dark forrest, praying for an answer, she was worried
"What the hell are you doing here?" Mike stood up from his spot under a huge oak tree,
"You think I'm just gonna let you run off into the forrest!? You could've gotten hurt!" Max was breathing heavily, her heart was beating rapidly
"Okay, Okay, Breathe, you ran a long way."
Mike put his hand out touching the girls shoulder, she took a couple deep breathes
"I wanted to say sorry, I shouldn't have said all that stuff, Im sorry." She spoke nervously
"You could've just texted me, now we're both lost in the pouring rain." Mike chuckled, Max did as well, she liked hearing him laugh.
"Speaking of text, I'll just-" Max pulled out her phone seeing the no service bar "Shit! We don't have any service, Billy's gonna kill me.."
"Of course," Mike shook his head in annoyance, "Guess we're stuck." He sighed

"Well..what do you wanna talk about?" Max asked as they walked through the wet forest
"Why do you keep coming back after I'm a complete asshole?" Mike asked
"I wasn't planning on it, but I just think your scared of something, I just don't know what."
Mike gulped, because that thing he was scared of was falling in love with the girl beside him
"Whatever," Mike chuckled gently pushing the girls shoulder, wishing he could hold her.

The pair kept walking for what felt like years, still not finding any sign of exit, Max yawned
"Tired?" Mike asked, stopping on the trail
"Exhausted, feels like I've spent my whole life in these damn woods." She rolled her eyes
"Yeah, we should probably set up camp, it's even darker now and it's still raining." He sighed, Max nodded as the brown haired boy took off his big jacket handing it to the girl who was only wearing a thin t-shirt. She smiled and wrapped it around her arms, instantly feeling warmer.
They sat down under a big tree, Mike leaned against it while Max laid down on the wet grass, shivering as rain fell from the dark sky.
Mike frowned as he watched her, but he decided to lay down as well and try and get some rest

Max looked over to the boy beside her, "Mike?"
She whispered trying to see if he was awake, it was now light outside and finally not raining
"Hmm?" He shifted, "Its morning dummy."
She giggled, Mike sat up with a smile, he couldn't hold it back this time, he liked this girl and he knew it in his heart, he was scared.
"Time to hit the road again." Mike chuckled, he stood up putting out his hand for Max. She took it and he helped her up "Remember when you fell in the gym and I had to take you home?"
"Sadly yes, I remember." She shook her head
"I was so worried, I didn't want your last memory to be me telling you I didn't like you."
"Yeah, that wouldn't have been very nice."
Max laughed as they walked through the forest, Mike's mind was finally calm, he knew Elle was going to scream at him, but he didn't care. All he wanted at the moment was to be with Max,

"Oh my god Maxie!" Mrs Mayfield yelled as her daughter walked out of the forest, there was two cars, and one police car in front of the Byers house. The older women ran to her daughter, hugging her tightly, Mike's mother did the same.
They both got into their separate cars and explained the whole thing, and once they arrived home all they did was sleep like the dead, dreaming about one another,

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