Chapter 1| When A Cat Comes Your Way

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A photograph can express many feelings, for me, it was for him. The colour of his eyes were pools of ash. So beautiful as they shone - even on the darkest of days. That moon that we shared together, will always be the brightest moon. I knew it because that same photograph still warms my heart - even on the coldest of nights...

I was making my way to my favourite coffee shop, there is always the feeling of kindness and warmth. I got my regular order - Caramel Macchiato. I sat, facing the window, then I got out my notepad. It was cold out and because of that, I remembered someone telling me about the snow in Seoul. Of course it was beautiful, I checked my phone for the date - late November. Everything was perfect.


"Crap!" I spoke to loudly, people turned to look at me, but I didn't care to much about it. I had bigger problems. I forgot my class assignment! I'm nearly 20 and I'm currently enrolled at the 'Seoul Institute of the Arts.' It was difficult for me to get in, especially when my parents wanted me to be a lawyer - not a photographer. To fail will only prove them that they are right. This is something I really want, to fail isn't an option. I got up from my chair, and walked out of the coffee shop.

On my way out I got my camera, my Polaroid camera was my sister's. She moved away to Ansan in the summer, however, she died before she could start her new life away from our parents. It was an accident, we didn't know that much about it. That's why I do what I do, she captured beauty that not many could see. My parents want me to obey them; the fear that I will end up like Hyo. My poor sister, she wanted an easy life, no one could've seen this happen. Lost in my memories I didn't realise where I was walking. "Huh?" My head hit the back of a stranger. His voice was sensitive and unforgettable, when I looked up at him, I noticed I was in the park, and he looked mad, "do you mind?!" He looked really mad!
"Ah! So sorry! I didn't mean to." He interrupted me, harshly.
"You should really look where you're going."
"Again I'm sorry."
"So you should." He was blunt with me and I couldn't understand why, I told him I was sorry. What more could he of wanted? He was a strange character but may I say extremely gorgeous. He hurried off into the park's playground. I didn't want to anger him further so I thought nothing of it - I went on with my day. But, as the day went on I was still struggling to find a good photo. If it wasn't the lighting, it was the background and even the smallest of details would bother me. That's the thing with taking the perfect picture; you must wait for the perfect moment.

It's been five hours and still, I couldn't get that strange guy off my mind. I couldn't help but wonder where he was. It's 5:00, I really should start to head home. I feel like a failure, I've wasted many Polaroids - all of them weren't good enough for my project. I thought it was time to go home - gather my thoughts. I left the park. Then, I saw him, sitting on the playground floor. He was waiting for someone, I knew this because he called out, "Sang Hee, where the hell are you?!" He raised his head (looking for guidance) and then I saw it.

I finally got the picture I wanted, it was the most perfect photo I've ever taken. The sky was cloud free. He allowed me to capture the bright colours of his angelic nature, I know now why my sister wanted to do this. His face was scar free and his eyes told a tale; a tale that was full of mystery. He wasn't trying to be sexy but somehow he managed to captivate me. I wanted him to look at me the same way.

I wanted to get a closer look, so did

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I wanted to get a closer look, so did. I crossed the road and went back through the park; he finally turned around to look at me. The moment was perfect. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" I hurried to the other side of the road - near the playground gate. I turned to see two bright van lights glaring like eyes at a poor defenseless kitten. The kind of cat that was all alone, it was shabby and white. Clearly no one owned him. "Move out the way dumb cat," I startled it, "you'll get killed!" The van didn't stop, I didn't think the diver saw him - or heard me. Without thinking, I grabbed the cat by the neck and the driver slammed on his brakes. "What the hell lady! I was driving! I could've hit you."
"You should really be careful sir, you nearly hurt this poor kitty."
"Huh?" He looked at the cat and laughed, "Well it shouldn't of been in the way."
"Are you serious!" He angered me because I couldn't believe how insensitive he was being.
"What?" The driver screwed up his face, I turned around, it was him. "Oh it's you? What do you want Taehyung?"
I thought, "Taehyung?"
"You know it wasn't her fault right? She only tried to help it."
He defended me? But why? Isn't he waiting for someone? I thought he'd be gone by now. I blocked down at my feet. "Taehyung? Just leave it." Saying so I walked away with the kitten in my arms- he looked terrified. Taehyung shortly followed me assures me. "Just ignore him, I wouldn't let him get to-"
"He's not the issue," My attention was with the cat, "why do you care?"
"Same reason as you." I crouched down on the floor and he copied, "the cat couldn't move because it's hurt - I fear that is leg might be broken. The fur is matted-" I began to tear up. Taehyung looked concerned, "are you okay?"
"My sister died a few months ago, this poor creature reminds me of her," I look up at him. He pats my head and smiles, "sorry." His sorry felt real, he didn't have any reason to apologize. We both leaned in, only inches apart, my heart knew that this man was an amazing person. I think I'm falling-
"Taehyung!" My heart shattered.

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