Chapter 10| Jimin, I Love You Some Sort Of Way...

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(My conversation with Sang-Hun).
I wanted to know all about him... I sat down and listened.
"I'm sorry we didn't say anything to you sooner. The truth is I have no interest in you." He sat with his legs open and slouched. He looked up at the sky, neck resting on the back of the bench. I sat awkwardly, a scrunched up body - I really wanted to leave.
"Then why did you get disappointed when 'another guy' was brought up?"
He laughed, "it's an act. You're nothing special, your sister on the other hand... I loved her."
"But she loved someone else." I murmur, "that doesn't make sense." He snapped, shouted, sprung up from his slumber, "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!" I was terrified, he relaxed for a moment before continuing calmly, "she was a year younger than I, she failed most of her classes. Probably her reason for being a photographer... She also liked to play piano but because she wasn't doing so well, they had to remove her from doing her extracurricular activity. I offered to teach her, clearly looking depressed, "I never explained my feelings to her; she fell in lobe and because she'd argue with your parents a lot about her emotions in photography. She then decided to go away to the academy with him... The rest is as we all know it." I was a pressed water balloon, emotions squeezing me tight till the point of bursting. The water was my tears, the tears I so desperately hid away... Sister I'm sorry that I couldn't have kept your memory alive because I cowardly left it all behind... Maybe I should stay?

I was waiting at the piano for my mother, admiring the keys, remembering the melody Sang-Hun played in our loved one's memory. Sang-Hun came down with my mother, she looked furious, "you mean to say you're not marrying him!" Did he even tell her the truth?!
"Mother, I'm in love with someone else, you were right. I can't marry this man."
I began to leave the house, looking at the piano and the life I would leave behind.
"GET HERE RIGHT NOW! You're as childish as your sister-"
"At least she was happy, even if it were for a short while." She was surprised as his disobedience, but I felt like a whole weight was lifted off my body.

I called Jimin's phone, it rang with no response. I called several times before deciding to call for a taxi.

I approached the coffeeshop, it was 1:36 pm, 1 hour and 24 minutes till closing.
"You're closing early," a smile of relief swept across my face, "I love you." His face lit up with embarrassment.
"You know how I feel, you always have." He continued to lock the door and headed, to where I assumed was home. He put on a button up shirt on top of his plain white shirt.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked with slight confusion and anger. But he continued on his way.
"I have things to do." He quietly reaponded, "bye."
I was frozen with shock and all I could was watch him leave.

Moments past as I looked at my feet, waiting them to make their move. I didn't want to anger him further by following him when he didn't want to see me. So why did he message me? Trapped in the same spot, a small white blur brushed past my feet - Jimin's cat. He was running in the opposite direction from Jimin. I felt the need to follow; as if something was telling me to. I inched forward and rushed for the cat, it reminded me of the time when I chased him before. That was before I knew that I wanted you.

Through streets, across roads past the park and to a hospital. A hospital? The cat began to scratch at the door. A rather irritated nurse came by, "ma'am can you please move your cat?" I nodded and picked him up. She went back inside and the car escaped my grip, I was surprised. Why did that cat come here? Is someone here that Jimin cares about? I gulped and I was about to step inside.
"Jangmi?" I turned to see Jimin, I forced a smile. I was worried about him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked rather irritated. I looked at the cat as he picked him up. He hugged the cat for support and placed him in my arms.
"I'm sorry if I have upset you." I struggled to speak as I was so out of breath.
"It's fine," again rather irritated. He avoided my gaze, and looked scared to go inside the hospital, when he did I was alone with the cat. The cat ran round the side of the building and surely I followed, I was panting out of breath. The cat raced up the metal stairs leading to a top floor balcony, the hospital room was empty (most likely rarely used). I walked to the lobby where nurses were rushing to help people, I saw a door where the cat was scratching at, "silly cat. You'll get us into trouble." I angrily whispered. I opened the door that lead us to the roof

I stood on the roof of a building, the cat was waiting at the ledge. He say and licked his paws, I sat down with my camera, I had time to finally get on with work. I was mad at myself for feeling this way, I shouldn't have prioritised my feeling for him over my work. I was a fool.
"He was the one who messaged me." I cried to the cat, who was clearly not interest. I sighed, had my head in my lap and curled up, I hoped that no one could see my embarrassment.

"What are you doing here." I tried to lift up my almost lifeless body, instead I rolled over. Jimin smiled and sat cross-legged next to me.
"I haven't been feeling well recently, it's not your fault. I told you how I felt because I was scared." I gripped his face and pulled him down to my lips, as I gave his face back, he was riddled with embarrassment. I laughed, "don't ever do that again." He kissed me again as we relaxed on the roof... he got my camera and took the most beautiful picture... he gave me the picture.
"Keep me safe..." he said as he wrapped me in his arms.

Thank you Jimin

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Thank you Jimin...

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