Chapter 6| Am I In The Way?

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Three days past by. Jimin wouldn't stop checking in on me, he was always by my side. A real good luck charm, he and I have become really close in the past few days. The kiss we shared was a tug at my heart strings and as for Taehyung I didn't hear much from him...

11:08am. Taehyung asked Sange Hee to meet him at the coffeeshop before his shift, he was already in uniform and a massive smile was on her face.
"What happened with you and Jangmi." Taehyung said in a deep voice, her face was full of guilt and she had no words.
"Leave her out of this, what's between us stays between us.
"I did it because I'm in love with you."
"That's not a good enough excuse. I want you to get out." He continued the cold tone, and he proceeded getting ready to open the shop. 
"Didn't you hear me, I'm in love with you!?" Yelled Sang Hee, who nearly began to cry.
"You cheated on me remember," Sang Hee slowly made her way out. She took small steps and kept her eyes on Taehyung, "you also have a camera to replace. You'd better fix her camera Sang Hee."

... I was out with Jimin on his day off, he begged Taehyung to cover for him (I'm glad they're getting along). To be honest I was ignoring Taehyung a lot recently, I acknowledged that. Sang Hee made a point that I couldn't get out of my head - Does Taehyung have feelings for me? Or is Sang Hee getting the wrong idea? That's why I didnt speak to Taehyung much after that, I just get all tense and nervous.
"I'm sorry about your camera." Jimin looked awfully guilty, we were waiting for the bus. We've both been wanting to go this amazing theme park; I'm so glad that Jimin and I are going.
"Its okay, I'll see if I get it fixed. Just please don't tell Taehyung." I mumbled nervously, I hope Taehyung doesn't find out because he'd go crazy mad and could possibly make things worse.
"You mean, he doesn't know?" I shook my head, "don't you have a project due?" And then it hit. I looked up at him (the bus arrived and Jimin got on leaving me in shock). I totally forgot about the project! The photo that would finish off my portfolio and get me the grade I've always wanted, was destroyed my her. What should I do?

The journey was quite a laugh. Even though I didnt have my Polaroid camera to take photos, Jimin brought a camera for the occasion, "I know it's not as great as yours. But, here." He nervously spoke and handed the camera to me.
"T-thank you." I stuttered and was almost happy.
"It will do, won't it? I mean far the mean time," why was he so nervous? "Until you get your old camera fixed.
"Yeah, it means a lot," I relaxed my head on his shoulder, "thank you."

We arrived at the theme park just in time. We were awkward at first, but the silence was slowly broken by the screams of delight of people enjoying themselves.
"I'll get the tickets, wait here." Jimin ran over to the ticket booth, I managed to take a few photo's before running into the same school girls I saw in the coffeeshop.
"Hey Jamgmi!" Yelled a voice not so familiar, it was Mio. She looked happier. "I didn't expect to see you here." She wasn't with her usual friends, instead she was with a boy. She caught the fact i was staring in disbelief, "his name is Jin, he's my boyfriend." I waved and he did to.
"Hello I'm world wide handsome Jin!" Mio laughed and held on to his arm, she hugged it. I had to say I was kind of jealous.
"Is this your boyfriend?"
I turned around to see Jimin, "I have the tickets." He was just as excited as I was.
"No." I said in disappointment.
"What was that?" Jimin replied in confusion. We all chuckled.
"Jangmi?" I turned my attention to Mio who looked very upset, "I heard about your camera. I know someone who could fix it for you."
"Really!" I was extremely grateful and joyful, "that would be amazing! Let me get it for you. I was rummaging through my bag while the others were talking amongst theirsleves.
"We should all go round the park together," suggested Jin.
"That's a great idea!" Yelled Mio.
"I'm down," agreed Jimin. However I wasn't paying much attention because I couldn't find my camera.
"Guys I can't find it." Jimin crouched down to help me look for it, I stood back up.
"It's okay," assured Mio, "maybe you left it at home?" Jin agreed by nodding rapidly. I guess maybe she's right.
"LETS JUST HAVE FUN!" Mio shouted as she ran off like a little child.
"Wait for me!" Jin chased after her. Jimin held his hand out, "could you put my scarf in your bag? Mine is full." He nodded and he put it in his bag; I then grabbed his hand and we were on our way.

It was near the end of the day. I got some funny pictures of Jimin posing near a carousel, I showed Jin and Mio. He got embarrassed, but that still didn't change the fact that he looked darn right cute.

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We took the bus home and all was normal, however, Tagehung messaged me telling me to meet him at the coffeeshop (which was fine because there was a bus stop a few shops away from it)

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We took the bus home and all was normal, however, Tagehung messaged me telling me to meet him at the coffeeshop (which was fine because there was a bus stop a few shops away from it). I told Jimin to go on ahead while I see Taehyung, he agreed and we went separate ways.

I met Taehyung inside the coffeeshop, I nearly missed him. He was stood near the door wearing his coat, he reached into his bag and gave me my camera which was no liner broken. My eyes began to water, "I thought I lost it." I wasn't sad, no, I was mad. Mad at the fact that I didnt know why I couldn't talk to him about what Sang Hee said. We're friends, and friends are there for guidance - he being my guidance.
"I took it without asking and I am sorry." He placed his hands together in a praying motion, "I hope you'll find that it works." I gave him a spontaneous, short lasting hug, "thank you." But he wouldn't let go, he went in for a kiss and succeeded.
"You forgot your-" Jimin was waiting for me and that I didn't realise.

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