Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“Carly, darling, come here,” Nico said as she walked out of the room. He sighed and put down the bag he was holding and went after her down the hall. He picked up the little tike and brought her back to the room. “Now don't go anywhere. It's time for you to go to sleep, then you can explore,” he said and put her down on the bed.

She yawned and rubber her eyes tiredly. “But I don't-” another yawn, “-wanna.” She protested. Nico looked at his daughter and she sighed. “Fine,” she said and he tucked her in and she fell to sleep almost immediately. That's one thing that Nico loved that about her, she fell to sleep fast and easy and stayed asleep for a while. He got up, smiled at his little daughter and then went and grabbed the hilt of his sword. He unsheathed it and tested the blade. The last time he had used it, it was maybe, four slash five months ago. He held the blade and looked at Carly one more time. When she didn't wake, he nodded and headed to the door. He sheathed the sword and then headed to the arena in camp. He stopped at the entrance and watched at Leo, Jason, Percy and Frank had a quadruple fight.

“Come at me bro,” Leo said and smirked with his joker smirk that Nico hadn't seen in oh so long.

“Really, Leo? Really?” Frank asked and deadpanned. Leo smiled innocently and Nico walked down to them.

“Does it always take you guys this long to start a fight?” He asked as he walked up to them, holding his unsheathed sword behind himself.

Percy looked up. “Yes,” he answered and nodded. Nico saw Jason rolled his eyes.

“It wouldn't if one of us actually started,” he said.

Cue Percy's eye roll, “As if, Sparky. I’m just waiting for the other to start. You know the saying, always let your opponent make the first move.” Percy said in a 'duh' voice and Jason shook his head. Leo held his hand up in a greeting.

Nico smirked mischievously. “Well, then-” the silent hiss of his sword being unsheathed came from behind him, none of the others noticing, “-I'll just have to make it then.” Before any of them could react. He had already gotten rid of Riptide and Jason's sword and came out behind Percy. As the dust settle back onto the ground, he smiled.

Leo gave out a long whistle. “Dude, for being a daddy, you still got skills,” he said and held up his hand for a high five and Jason didn't disappoint him.

“How did you do that?” Frank asked and Nico shrugged.

“I don't know, instinct?” He said with another shrug.

Percy gave him a disbelieving look. “Instinct and pure awesome. Dude, that was like so fast. You were like a Hunter's arrow!” He said and he patted Nico on the back. “The bonfire is tonight, you coming?”

Nico thought for a moment. “Depends really.” He answered. “Like if Carly doesn't want to come and she's awake. Or if she wants to come, but falls asleep then I’ll have to leave early. If she's asleep, I don't really want to leave her that long.” He pursed his lips.

“How hard is it to be a father?” A new voice said from behind him. He turned to see Hazel, Annabeth and Piper. All of them had smiles on their faces.

“Hard at first,” Nico replied and they nodded and then walked over to their man. Annabeth kissed Percy and he slung his arm over her shoulder.

Percy looked at his wife adoringly, but then an exited look came to his face. “Nico!” He yelled and Nico leaned slightly away from the son of Poseidon. “You've missed like five of everyone's birthday!” He said.

“Um, yeah?” Nico said uncertainly. “Why?”

“We got to celebrate!” The sea green eyed man said.

Annabeth frowned and furrowed her brow. “You know that we can just throw a party for him to celebrate the things he has missed, right?”

“Oh, so like Christmas?” Leo pipped in.

Piper looked at her mechanic loving friend, “Um, no.” She said, shaking her head. “More like a party because it is a party.”

Nico furrowed his brow, “You aren't actually serious about throwing party, are you?”

They all stared at him in disbelief. “Of course we are!” They all said at the same time. Nico rubbed his face.

“Can't we just have a little get together of Just Us?” He asked. Everyone poker-faced and he sighed. “Fine, fine, but nothing to flashy, or extravagant, or totally whacko.” The last one pointed at Leo and Percy, who pouted and gave him puppy eyes. Nico deadpanned. “No.” Percy sighed and Annabeth hit on the back of the head.

“Well, dinner will be in an hour. We should go and wash up,” Piper suggested and the boys nodded. Everyone left except for Hazel, Annabeth and Nico. Piper looked back at them and Annabeth waved her that she'll catch up. Piper nodded and followed her fiance back to their cabins.

The trio stood in a circle and Hazel was the first to ask the question. “How do you plan on telling everyone about Jackson Jr.?”

Annabeth sighed. “I don't really know. It's my first kid and all, that's why I wanted both of you here.” The siblings gave her a puzzled look. “Hazel is good with kids and Nico has a kid. Both of you together will make it easier.” They nodded.

Hazel turned to Nico, “How did your lady break it to you?” She asked and Nico thought back to when his girlfriend told him.


“Nico!” She yelled. Nico ran into the living room, he looked around, his sword drawn, but when he saw a smile on her face, he relaxed. Her smiled seemed to light up her all ready beautiful face. Her long, dark brown hair cascaded down her back, her brown eyes were filled with excitement.

“Don't do that,” Nico said to the brunette.

“Sorry, but can you put the sword away. Just because I’m dating you, doesn't mean you have the privilege of swinging that thing around,” she said and Nico sheathed his sword and placed it on the mantel on the fireplace. “Now, I have a surprise for you. Please don't be mad.” She now looked worried and Nico crossed his heart. She walked over to the counter and brought over a sheet of paper. “I went to the doctors today.” She started and Nico narrowed his eyes.

“Are you sick?” Nico asked.

She pursed her lips, “Sort of.” She answered.

“Have you been throwing up?” Nico questioned.


“Are you carrying an alien?” Nico exclaimed and she laughed nervously.

“In a way,” she told him and he poker-faced.

“No way in Hades,” Nico said and she smiled. Nico walked over and kissed his girl. “Don't you think we're a little young though?” He asked.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, “Well, considering that I used to be a prisoner and you are the son of Hades, this is pretty mild compared.” She told him and he shrugged.

“True,” he kissed her again. “I can't believe I only met you a year ago, Malinda.”


Nico chuckled. “It was quit hilarious when she told me. I asked her if she was sick and she answered, 'sort of'. I asked her if she'd been throwing up and she answered, 'maybe'. Then I asked her if she was carrying an alien and she answered, 'in a way'.”

Hazel and Annabeth looked at each other. Annabeth looked at Nico and smiled, “I know how to tell everyone.”

Okay, so I know that Nico is a little out of character, but he's happy because he meet Malinda, my OC.  You'll get to know her a little more and stuff.  Yay!

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