(Our love will find a way) The begining

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Don't read this first chapter yet! IT NEEDS MAGJER EDITING BAD!! Lol, it dose get better latter on but I've just now went back on my Liberty were I've saved this one and found the first few are beyond horrible . Shit who am I kidding lol! There's a crap loud of chapters that will suck! Big time!.. I'll fix it ASAP! I'm horrified by it!.. I am so sorry!.. But if you do read on until it gets better more power to you!... This was my first book ever!.. I have a somewhat reading probable and my speeding sucks but at least I try. I'll fix it soon are have someone help me with it.. But I still hope you like it anyways.. Happy reading... Don't hate on me! I have other books that I've written that the spelling and grammar are better but still the same, I want lie. But ones I fix this one please come back and read it over! It is really a good story!... Thank you guys for taking the time to read this..

This book is for Mature Adults only. 18, years and older please. It Contains "Strong" Language, and "Adult" "Sexual" Contents. Thank you. Read at your on risk. It does get better I promise. I'll fix the first part of it as soon I can... "Thank guys for not giving up on me.. Your just all so awesome!...

(SUMMER 1999)
(This is Luke)

LUKE!!! Come own man!! We got to go!! It's like a 3 hour! drive from here! Drake" shouted! As he hung" out the side window" of J.Ts truck! He" brushed his "dark hair" away from his" light" green eyes.

Drake Crater. You see" is our! "Pretty Boy" aka, D.C, "as" we like to call him. He has the baby face" of the bunch. And he loves the lady's! And they" love him! When we tease" him! About it. He'd yell! It's not my fault! My mom! Taught! Me how to treat a lady! It's You dum! A**es! That Don't know how to treat! A women.

To tell you the truth? He has the biggest heart ever! He'd give you the shirt off his back! If he thought you needed it. But his love for "all women "big, are small, didn't matter to him. "So to thous who" didn't know him. Just thought he was nothing but a player. And it never ones "bothered him, what people thought of him.

He new he wasn't one" so he'd just let it go.. An smile" playing along... But all that changed! The moment" he laid his eyes on! One" Jamie Hilton"! Pore! D.C, never new" what hit" him! And Jamie" didn't make it easy" for him either. He had chased" her for months! Before she finally caved! An agreed to go on a date with him. And so from that day forward, they were inseparable!. He is "Now" And! Forever. a one women man! "And" To the disappointment of just about every" females in town....

And then there's "Luke" "Who is all of 6/4, an a body to die for! He wasn't huge, by any means. But his love for running! Showed. He was lean, an cut" in all the right" pleases! Add" in his Indian" heritage, he inherited from his father! An throw in! His striking! Baby" blue eye's" from his mother side! Well!! Put it all together! And what do you got? "Yummy"!

The lady's, in town" were constantly" fanning themselves! Just plan old! Eating him up with there eyes! When he'd pasted by on his daily runs threw town. There were probably! Some hard core" panting" over him to! If you wanted to get technical. But unlike! D.C. Luke wasn't trying to get there attention. But that didn't stop them" from Wishing" just ones! That he" would look"there way. With his ever" Sticking" baby blues! And if they were really! Lucky! Be subject" to one of! His very rear! But "Oh so" killer smiles.

But" Luke didn't let his" looks go to his head! "Collage" and taking care of his Mother, and two other siblings, was his only adjective" at the moment. After his Father" died in a car reck" a few years back. His mother had to take on both rolls, and worked three jobs! Just to make ends meet. So Luke wasn't a player. And to tell you the truth. He just wanted a forever kind of love! Like his parents had. He thought he had found it to,with his "Girlfriend "Patty" They have been together for 3 years! He" had been" Faithful" to her threw it all! Until the day come when she "ripped" his heart out!

Catching her in bed, with someone else! Had hurt" him worst then anything" sense his fathers passing. Now, he could care less" about woman! He had given" her everything he had. Just to have her" throw" it back in his face like that! Now! He"wanted nothing" more, then to take! This time an heal. He was swearing" off all,, "Woman" This Summer! These, three months! Were" going to be just for himself...."Are".... So" he thought"anyways.

Our love will find a way (Luke & Skyler) Completed....Where stories live. Discover now