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"Yuzu, go and finish the dinner, I'll take him to my room, so he can change to normal and not bloody clothes" Ichigo told to his sister.

"Ok. Got it." And the girl go to the kitchen.

Ichigo turn to Grimmjow. "Can you stand?" he ask and raised a hand to him. The Arrancar grabbed it and try to stand, but his legs couldn't keep him and he fell. Ichigo quickly grabbed him. "Looks like you can't walk. I'll carry you."

"No no, no need." the man protest but the boy pick him and walked to the stairs. "Really, there's no need to do this."

"Of course there is. You can't walk, you lost a lot of blood." Ichigo smiled at him. "Don't worry. Our family is holding a hospital, I know what I'm doing."

When they went to the boys room Ichigo put Grimmjow on the bed and sat down in the chair next him.

"Well, what are you remember?"

"Not much. I remember that i woke up in a white room. there were only one big door and a small window with bars. I don't know how much did i stay there. Then the door opened and in the room went a woman and a man. they start to ask me about the Experiment. When i answered them that I didn't know what are they talking about they beat the hell ot of me."

Ichigo mouth flinch a bit. 'He is still the same... The way he speak... the same...'

"And then everything go black." Grimmjow closed his eyes as he was trying to remember something. "After that my memories... they're just pieces... they continue to ask me about that Experiment... and with every my answer they... beat me to death." The man shuddered of the memory. "I don't wanna remember anything of this anymore... Never again." He opened his eyes and looked at Ichigo. The boy froze. Grimmjow's eyes were full of fear and despair. The young Vizard never had seen such an eyes. "Please, I don't want to remember any of these scary memories anymore!" He stretched out his hand to Ichigo. The boy took his hand and sat next to him.

"It's ok, you don't have to remember this. It's ok." Ichigo hugged the trembling Grimmjow. 'What in the world had scared him so much. This Grimmjow that I remember, the one that every time that we've met he always beat me to death.' Ichigo could fell the warm tears at his shoulder. 'Oh my God, he's crying.' The boy hugged the Arrancar even tighter. "It's ok, you don't have to worry. I'm here." ' The Grimmjow that i used to know is broken to pieces. Completely lost.'

Grimmjow continue to cry at him. Ichigo couldn't do anything expect hold the trembling and crying Arrancar in his embrace. The Espada slowly put his hands at Ichigo's back and hugged him. "Wha... What?"

"Sorry.Just a little." Grimmjow please.

"Yeah, of course, don't worry. It's ok." And they stood like this. After a several minutes then sobbing stopped. Ichigo slowly lift Grimmjow face. 'He is sleeping,... good.' The boy put him to lie down on the bed. After that he quietly get out of the room.


As he walked in the kitchen Yuzu asked him: "Where is mister Grimmjow?"

"He's sleeping. Hey, have you seen my phone somewhere?"

"On the table." his sister answerd. "Why is your shouder wet?"

Ichigo took his phone without answering his sister, and called Orihime.

"Hey, Kurosaki-kun." He herd her happy voce.

"Hi Inoue. Can i ask you a favor."
"Shure. Whatever you want, just tell me."

"Can you come over. One... hmm, aaah, one old acquaintance of mine is terribly injured. He have a big wound at his back and he porbaby lost a lot of blood."
"Oh my God, I'm coming."

"Thanks Inoue."
"For nothing. Bye." And she closed the phone. As aways in hurry when someone needs her.

"Ichi-nii, why you didn't tell her about him and use shit like 'old acquaintance'?" his sister ask.

"If she know... hmm, don't know any more. I don't know how she'll react." Ichigo shook his head.

"Did something happend?" Yuzu looked at him.

"Yes... a lot."

"What exacly? the girl sat nex to him.

"He's broken, he's not the same person anymore. He's terrified. Someone have abused him, and now... as I said, he's broken to pieces." Ichigo looked at the ground. "All he could do was to tremble and cry at me."

"He... cry... At what you told me before, he... realy seemed diferent." Yuzu said.

"Completely different... I have to call Urahara-san." Then the bell ringed. "Open too Inoue, I'll make another call.

Yuzu walked to the door and opend it. "Hi, Inoue-san."

"Hello Yuzu-chan. What's up." Inoue smiled at her.

"Well, you should ask Ichi-nii, he could explain everything better than me." Yuzu said. "He is at the kitchen and now is tlaking to Urahara-san."

"Urahara-san?" Inoue hurred to kitchen. "Kuroski-kun!" She saw him with a phone on his ear.

"Hi" he greet her and then he start to speak with Urahara. "Yeah, someone push him and he fell. Then when i woke him he didn't recognize me. He even didn't know who is he."

'So this man have amnesia.' the girl thougth.

"So, amnezia you said." Urahara sounded thoughtful.

"Yeah, the first thing i've expected from Grimmjow was to jump on me and try to kill me but instead he..." when Orihime heard the name 'Grimmjow' he take a step back. She was lisening carfuly what Ichigo was talking about. After he finished Uraraha said:
"Call Rukia, tell her to go to Soul Society and look for something for secret experiments. If this Experiment is conected with Aizen Souske, he probably took this idea fom there."

"Ok all call her. Ohh, and one more thing. There's no hole in Grimmjow's chest. What does that suposed to mean?"
"Prbably that he's becoming human?

"Human?Wha...What the hell?"
"Bye!" and Urahara closed th phone.

"That jerk." Ichigo hissed.

"So, it's Grimmjow. The injured man is Grimmjow." Orihime said and sat at the sofa.

"Yeah... Look, i didn't want to tell you because i don't know..." He looked at her." Did you hear my conversation with Urahara?" She nodded. "So you know what did happend to him." She nodded again. "Will you please heal him? Please."

"Yeah, I will." The girl smiled at him. After all he's not our enemy anymore."

"Thank you, Inoue"


So this is for now, I'll update soon. Enjoy and comment. Love ya! <3

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