Vamp! II - Prologue D

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Prologue D - The Vampire Doctor and the Bizarre Professor



"Hm? What business have you with an old man like me, boy?"

[Oh! Come in, come in! What is it? What is it? We haven't had any guests in soooooo long! Doctor and I will do everything we can to help you!]

-Uh. The viscount said that the two of you could answer my questions.

"Hoh hoh. And he sent you to this old man?"

[Hooray! The viscount is counting on us. I feel so loved!]

-No, well, um... The thing is, there's this girl I really really like. But I think she must be really shy or something, because she never looks at me. I wanna know more about her and understand her better, but then I realized that I don't even know much about her body.

"...Hm? Young man, are you by any chance a stalker?"

[Girls hate tenacious guys, you know!]

-Wait, no! No! I'm not a stalker! Um, what I'm trying to say is... I want to know more about her body. Or, more to the point, I was wondering if there was some sort of a love potion that works on vampires.

"Sitting back to make others do your dirty work, young man? What is the world coming to these days?"

[That's no good! A real man has to properly earn a girl's heart!]

-That's not what I meant! Uh... I... I don't mind if the love potion lasts only for a little bit. But I'm confident that if she looks at me even for a second, I can do everything she wants of me! I even have our future all planned out! I'm going to build us a little house on the hill on the east side of the island. I'm going to become an author and draw storybooks about good vampires and live a happy life with her. I guess we'll have... three kids? Or maybe more. The more the merrier, right? Especially when it comes to family.

"...Family, eh? Indeed you're right, boy. Family is a wonderful thing."

[That's a wonderful imagination you have! I'm floored! I'm super-duper shocked! But there's one tiny problem. Does the vampire you like have a humanoid form? If not, you might not be able to have children at all!]

-...Huh?! S-seriously?!

"Now that I think on it... Yes, Waldstein Castle is indeed home to a great assortment of non-human creatures. Yet how many among them have evolved sufficiently on the level of the soul that they would be capable of reproducing with humans, I wonder? Though it is true that many of them are quite close to humans in mindset alone, if nothing else. In other words... hmm... Professor. Explain!"

[Yes, Doctor! You see, creatures that humans call monsters--vampires included--are usually beings that have evolved in a different direction from humans. For example, think of a branching diagram that represents the evolution of species. We 'others' are creatures that have crossed from the two-dimensional plane of the diagram to the third dimension.]

-So does that mean that humans and vampires really are completely different? But, um... I heard that our mayor was born from a vampire-human couple...

"Ah, there is, in fact, nothing anomalous about such an occurrence. Let us return to the branching diagram. Supposing that it has been drawn on the floor, the branch that extends into the third dimension would be reaching into the air. But from a bird's-eye view, this three-dimensional branch overlaps with the human branch, making the diagram look no different from a two-dimensional image. In other words, physically speaking, they are nearly identical. And as for the differences... well... Professor, please explain."

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