Chapter 3- HE

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Edwin Seymour, the future Duke of Somerset, was sitting in one of the majestic armchairs of the Chatsworth House where he would stay at least two more days at the express invitation of the Duchess of Devonshire, it had been impossible to reject it since It had been in gratitude.

The truth is that he did not like at all to have to stay away from the city when he had so much work, but if there was something that prevailed above all were the rules of courtesy. And it would have been very discourteous to deny the request of a Duchess.

He himself would soon hold that title, just thirty years of age had done nothing but work as if he already had a dukedom. With his sick father and his mother long since dead, he had had to deal only with administration and management from an early age. He had barely had time for dances or ceremonies, so he was not surprised that the owner of Devonshire could not recognize him.

He was a man of impeccable but sinister reputation; He was far from being the perfect gentleman, Edwin Seymour, he was cynical and it seemed that behind that smile and that carefree walk he hid something.

He did not wait for his valet to help him start to take off his shirt, thus exposing his manly and muscular torso. On his back he had two scars that had left him the two wars in which he had to participate; He did not like war, but his position close to the king had practically forced him to join the army as a lieutenant. All his friends praised his dexterity in the field, his cold mind and his aim but for him, that meant nothing, when he was on the battlefield he only thought of doing his duty never to win honors or distinctions.

His friends often urged him to go out, have fun, but he preferred to stay at home working, in his world. He could not deny that he had his lovers and his nights of lust but nothing that for a man of his position was not normal and necessary.

Suddenly there sounded a shrill feminine laughter surely providence of the daughters of the Duke.

"Poor Duke," he said to himself, thinking how it was possible for a man to live in a house where there were only women. If he had tried other wives to beget a man, he would never understand how a man could let his legacy, his fortune, his time ... for love, for him, love was spending a night with the stunning blonde provident of Eastern Europe, Ludovina, which applied a love techniques in bed that left him more than satisfied and if one day he married, it would only and only to ensure his offspring, never let his future wife interfere in their life plans .

Although he had always liked blond females, he had to admit that the young Cavendish had made him see that a dark-haired woman could be equal or more seductive that afternoon. A nymph with skin as white as the moon and her hair as the night had appeared before her in a dress that left little to the imagination and left to glimpse more than generous curves. But what had caused in him an inordinate excitement, was the realization that with all the movement of the boat and the water, Lady Cavendish's corset had waned and two nipples punished by the cold showed her head in the tight dress. He quickly pushed that memory away if he did not want to find himself in the same state again and without any lover to satisfy himself with.

"Lord Seymour," they said at the same time that studied touches on the door echoed inside the bedroom.


-Goodnight Mr. I am John, your valet, I have been informed that dinner will be served in ten minutes, do you want me to help you prepare?

After ten minutes were the dukes, his eldest son and he sitting on the large oak table sharing a roasted calf and some exquisite food prepared fondly by Mrs. Poths, the family's former cook. The younger sisters were not present since they had not yet been presented in society and it was not appropriate for them to talk and eat at that time of night because they were not prepared for it although that had been a rebuke between mother and Elizabeth, which only It was a year before his debut.

As expected, Audrey had been seated right in front of Edwin, in case there was any remote possibility that they would not look at each other during dinner.

-Thank you mom- Audrey told herself which despite the simplicity of the dress that the situation required, she looked radiant. She had chosen, along with her maid, a light blue dress with a waist and turquoise blue lace at chest height while her skirt fell gracefully, giving her a sophisticated air.

-Tell us, how is Italy? I've heard you've been there recently, Lord Seymour -Anthon asked curiously.

- It is a chaotic country but full of good opportunities for business, the truth is that I have discovered many interesting things. Best of all is the weather, there is a very beneficial climate for health.

-I was in Spain many years ago I imagine it must be similar, but I would like to go and see what it can offer.

While the two men talked about politics, Audrey was increasingly nervous, although she knew that externally one could only sense serenity and temperance inside and could not take it anymore; he did not know where to look, every time he met Lord Seymour's eyes he felt like a husbands hunting and if he was a long time looking at the plate he looked like a glutton. Why did his mother insist on making him suffer such uncomfortable situations? That man was going to realize the intentions of his mother, or worse, he might think that she was the one who had the intention of wishing him and nothing could be further from the truth. From a distance, one could see that he was a man of stormy character, little given to equality between genders, selfish and cynical. If there was one thing that had the advantage, it was that he knew how to sing people very well and that had not been an exception.

Finally, and thank God, the dinner ended and all the guests retired to their rooms without any relevant echo other than that of a policy conversation between two gentlemen, a duchess frustrated by the few intentions of engaging in conversation on the part of her. daughter and an Audrey with nerves tenser than ever.

At the end of two hours, Edwin was in the huge bed without being able to sleep. What happened to him? I could not sleep, I just thought about the young Cavendish and her tight blue dress. I only thought of discovering that I hid that lace, of putting color to those nipples of which I already knew the size. That could not be happening, during dinner, he had noticed his furtive glances and if it were not for the dukes in front of him he would have jumped on top of her as if he were a predator so that he would look him straight in the eyes and stop hesitating. Truth be told, she did not even like that prim lady, at a distance, she could see that she was the typical straight lady and her taste too cold and well placed. With the intention of appeasing this insomnia, he decided to put on his robe and go down to the lounge to pour himself a brandy glass next to the fireplace where there was a comfortable red chair to sit on.

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