Chapter 5- THE RETINUE

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picture: Bethy . sorry if there are any grammar mistake. I'm spanish and I'm trying to write in english. if somebody notices some error you can tell me and I will correct it gladly. thanks a lot!!

The next morning, the Duchess had already arranged everything for a fabulous picnic outside, where there would be nothing missing: a long list of delicious snacks accompanied by a succulent beef roast and awarded for a blueberry pie. But not only the food was ready but also the list of activities to perform did not leave anyone indifferent.

Hurry Audrey! - Shouted an enthusiastic Bethy already ready for the great day that awaited him outside the mansion.

The truth is that Bethy had had very few occasions to socialize, had always been in charge of the governess and had almost not even had time to be with their own sisters. The idea of being able to share a whole day with her older sister was a joy to her. Besides, he could not only share time with his sister but also with Mr. Seymour.

Meanwhile, Audrey reluctantly prepared herself in a simple salmon-colored field dress and a flower-trimmed one that her maid had insisted on doing. It was not that she was not looking forward to going with her sister Bethy on a picnic, but the mere thought of having to endure the presence of that Lord Seymour throughout the day not only overwhelmed her but also embarrassed her. What had happened the previous night had been total nonsense and he prayed to God that this gentleman would really honor his status and remain silent, because if anyone came to know it would be his social as well as family perdition.

"Miss, I have finished your pickup, do you like how it fits? - asked the sweet maid of Audrey.

-As always Alice, you have an excellent dexterity

-Thanks, for a moment I thought he did not like it- said the relieved maid.

-Oh no, it's not that, it's just that today I cannot concentrate on anything. Do you think Lord Seymour is handsome?

-It does not belong to me to say such a thing- Alice said with her head down.

-But I'm asking you- insisted Audrey with a half-smile.

-Yes, the truth is that yes lady, is very handsome- he answered laughing.

Alice had been Audrey's maid since she entered into society and had created enough confidence among them to be able to talk about knights from time to time as two ordinary girls would at that age. Luckily, his mother had never been present in those conversations.

- Finally little sister! I thought we would never leave! "Exclaimed Elizabeth with joy as Audrey left her room.

-But if there are still five minutes left for the time when Mom has said that we were ready, when are you waiting for me? - He said with affection when seeing the joy of his Bethy- Come on Tish! You also come with us.

The little dog galloped after the two ladies who were already preparing to descend the great staircase to the hall where the rest of the guests would also have to go.

- Lord Talbot! What a pleasant surprise to see you here! - Audrey said upon seeing the Marquis of Salisbury in the hall next to Edwin's unpleasant. The truth that both were known from childhood because of the great friendship that existed between their respective parents, they were almost the same age and it could be said that they had been playmates sometimes. However, once his father died and inherited the marquisate he had barely seen him again, probably because of the great amount of work he had to have and he had to admit that he was very changed from the last time he saw him; the plump boy had disappeared to give way to a tall, muscular man with black hair and brown eyes.

"Lady Cavendish, what a pleasure to see you again," said a gallant Talbot as he kissed the gloved hand of his childhood friend.

Then the young woman looked at the culprit of all evils.

"Lord Seymour," he greeted politely.

"Lady Cavendish," answered Edwin with the same education.

"Well, tell me, Lord Talbot, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?" We had not seen him for a long time.

-I've come to discuss some business with your father and when I was about to leave your mother invited me very kindly to the picnic, and since I bought some new toys I wanted to take the opportunity to try them.

-Toys? But you will not tell me that you still play, sir, it leaves me intrigued, "said an amused Audrey.

"Beloved dearest, my lackey will bring them as soon as we arrange everything, certainly he has not introduced me to his friend," he said with his eyes on young Elizabeth, who had remained silent and listening as her mother had taught her to behave in front of her. of unknown men.

-Friend? But Robert, if it's my sister Elizabeth, do not you recognize her? - she tutored him because of the familiarity.

Lord Talbot looked at little Bethy for a few seconds and answered:

-Oh, of course, Bethy, forgive me you were so small the last time I saw you.

-N-no matter ... -said a stammered Bethy.

- You are all here! How well you can leave immediately or you cannot take advantage of the day. The Baroness of Hopkinton, my dear friend, will accompany you since a walk through the countryside will come very well to your waterfalls. And, of course, Miss Worth, will also go with you, it would be a pity if a young girl like her could not enjoy a sunny day.

It was obvious that the Duchess of Devonshire had tried to find carbines for the girls but it was still more beautiful if she adorned it with a few justifications that the gentlemen present could not ignore but not her eldest daughter, who was already beginning to regret not having caused a headache that would serve as an excuse to stay at home.

Perhaps the joy that sweet and innocent Bethy gave off was what encouraged her to continue with all that theater.

That's how the whole procession began to parade in the direction of the river where they would make the picnic:

The old Baroness of Hopkinton on the arm of the governess while the latter listened to all the complaints of the old woman; in front of them, the two ladies talking and laughing and, leading the group, the two gentlemen talking about politics (as always). Without forgetting, of course, the two lackeys of Lord Salisbury and the maidens of the ladies who were six steps behind the retinue.

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