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The crackling of the wood in the fireplace and that second glass of cognac, which threatened to be the last, had succeeded in appeasing the vigorous Edwin Cavendish. In fact, he began to notice how the eyelids were succumbing to the weight of gravity.

Sitting in that chair he observed the majesty of the living room decorated with a velvety carpet with green and gold mosaics, armchairs upholstered with the finest silk and spectacular crystal lamps. He had always heard that Chatsworth House was quite a feat of English taste but now he could see it with his own eyes.

The palace of his dukedom, Somerset, did not stay behind in majesty but perhaps it did in terms of modernity. You had to admit that the Duchess of Devonshire did a great job and had great taste.

He noticed that the fire in the fireplace was practically consumed and decided that it was time to retire to his quarters. Guided only by the dim light of the moon began to walk in the direction of the large oak door but what a surprise when he saw that it suddenly opened and a feminine silhouette with a determined step into the room.

The chivalrous and appropriate would have been that immediately with an apology had withdrawn from the room but the fervent desire that this mysterious woman was his Lady Fussy made him sit in one of the most remote chairs watching the scene.

The female shadow was catching, as it approached the windows, more human shape thanks to the moonlight. When it came to rest in front of the window, she could finally see her desire come true, there she was: Audrey Cavendish, competing with the beauty of a moonlit night. Her long black cavalier fell seductively to her hips while the white nightgown she wore left little to the imagination.

Edwin remained motionless in that chair watching her in silence and repressing the impulse to approach her because he knew that if he approached her, he would not own his body. So, he silently set out to do the most sensible thing that was to get out of there. But a whisper did not let him go more than two steps:

"Tish, where will you be?" Said a worried Audrey to herself.

Then he noticed that the young woman seemed to be looking for something outside the mansion and she looked terribly worried. Was it not for gentlemen to help a lady in distress? He decided to retrace his steps and deceive himself by telling himself that he was doing it for the good of the young lady:

-Excuse me Lady Cavendish, I passed in front of the room and I could not help but see her standing here looking at the gardens, can I help her? - He said trying to seem that this situation was the most normal.

Audrey was petrified. Edwin Seymour in the same room as her and wearing a simple robe that left part of his strong torso in sight. The first thing that came to her mind was that the only way she could help was by leaving the room immediately but her concern for her beloved dog was greater.

"Lord Seymour, you must miss seeing me in the middle of the room at two o'clock at night, but I am distressed by my dog Tish. Usually, it is always in my room and it sleeps beside me since I am six years old but tonight I have not seen it so I was wondering if it would be outside. It may be that Mr. Gibbs, our butler, has left him unwittingly as he is older sometimes does not notice.

So that was it, Lady Fussy had feelings and those feelings were deposited in a can of name Tish. He must have cared about that animal because he had not asked a servant to look for him, he had gone out to find it himself. She was a determined girl; although he was not a participant in taking so much appreciation of an animal, in the last decade it had become very fashionable for the ladies to enjoy the company of the dogs, even had become a symbol of distinction, so much so that Queen Victoria She had been photographed with her dog Dash recently.

"Miss, would not it be better if you told your maid to give her the order to look for him?" I'm sure his servants will be more than willing to find him.

-You do not understand it, sir, let me tell you that my Tish only responds to my call and even on numerous occasions he fears who does not know, so I cannot entrust this task to any servant, I have to be myself who finds it.

-I understand, and you could not look for it tomorrow morning, now it's dark ...

-I thank you Lord Seymour for your advice, but if you do not mind I will continue looking for him - he said with determination turning his back and going to another window.

"Have not you ever been told that stubbornness is not a good quality in a young lady?" How could it be that a girl did not hear the words of a lieutenant? As much as she was a duke's daughter, she had to respect the words of an older man with awards ... But what was that girl doing? Now I was opening the window to go to the balcony! But did not he see that he was going to catch a cold? With the firm step of a lieutenant, he decided to go out and reprimand the behavior of a girl so irresponsible, as a lady had to be due to some manners. He had heard that the lady in question was of an unblemished reputation and education but all she was seeing was a stubborn girl.

When he went out on the balcony, every intention of reprimanding her withered when she saw her totally disconsolate. The girl was sitting on one of the benches, curled up and staring into the gardens while tears welled up in her eyes. It seemed that the young woman he had known until now had evaporated. The straight, educated, impassive and cold girl no longer existed. Now I was seeing a vulnerable woman, with feelings and natural.

The future duke decided to approach with all the sweetness he was able to muster.

- Are you well Miss? Do you want me to call someone from the service to help you?

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