Prologue + Chapter 1

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Normal POV

Her screams could be heard all through the jungle. The man that stood above the 16-year old enjoyed hearing her pleas for help. She saw his wicked grin as the DNA from an Opaleye dragon spread throughout her veins. The last thing she saw was a hippogriff before she felt weight lift off her and ran. Her guess was that her capturer saw it too and was attacked. After running as far as her legs could take her, she passed out. She could vaguely remember being tousled as she was picked up. But that was all. 


Charlie’s POV

I have been tracking an escaped dragon for two and a half months now. The female Opaleye was last seen off the coast of Africa three days ago. It wasn’t much to go off but that is all I have heard. So, after coming to the conclusion of where it may have gone, I am now going to Madagascar as that is the closest place I know of to the area it was last spotted. There wasn’t any other choice but to try there. I don’t know how long I have been on this bloody island but if I had to guess I would say about two days, forty-eight hours, something like that.

After another ten minutes or so, I could hear a girl’s scream. It sounded like pleas for help and didn’t sound too far away so I sprinted in that direction. Suddenly, the girl’s scream was replaced with a deeper, low-pitched one. As I kept going in that direction, I started to see a shiny white shape in the distance. I realised as I got closer it was the missing dragon. She was surrounded in pools of silver liquid. ‘Dragon’s blood,’ I thought, ‘she’s not moving, so I’m assuming she’s dead.’ But what got me, was the amount of blood. For the wounds she has, there wasn’t much blood.  So I decided to keep looking and come back to her later, after I found who had made those screams.

All of a sudden, I saw the bright red and bronze of a hippogriff. It was standing upon a dark mound. The closer I got, I started to observe more of the results from a fight. Soon I could tell, what I thought was just a mound, was actually the remaining shreds of a dead body. When I flipped the body over, I could clearly tell it was a man around about five years older than me. It was obvious who the victor was.

Realising that this man must have made the deeper scream, I knew I had to keep going. I levitated the body near to the dead dragon to make it easier to find when I returned. I cast my patronus, a dragon (shock horror), to the Ministry to inform them of the situation and set out again. I followed a trail of thick red and silver blood. I knew I had to get there soon, wherever ‘there’ was.

After yet another short walk, searching thoroughly through the jungle, I was about to give up and just wait for the Ministry officials, as they could probably find something sooner than I could, when I heard a whimper. I quickly sprinted in that direction as fast as my legs would go.

When I got there, the sight before me was horrific. 

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