day one

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Let's start at day one of week two of the current school year. The start of heavy assignments. So far, everything was like the usual. I still suck at Mathematics. If you're going to ask me why, well it's because of freaking radicals and quadratic equations. I have no idea how to apply that when I grow up. Like will I buy a candy that costs x + 1 = x + (2-1)? 


So, I suck at Algebra because of that belief. Well, it was also my first day in tutor class! Oh the joy! I'm really excited to see Ms. Reynolds. She's like the only nice person in that tutor center, because that center is probably composed of loud bitches who put their boyfriends and fashion first before anything else. 

Basically, I was in school. You know all that assignment and shit going on in that place of Satan. Then after all the shenanigans, I finally went to tutor class. 

I've arrived at the center, opened the gate, and knocked on the door three times. Then, it opened. Of course I was expecting Ms. Reynolds to open it but instead, it was Riley. "Hey Nat!" he greets and winks at me, and I just stared at him with a poker face. The door opens wider, and I see Ms. Reynolds check on who was at the door. "Oh hey Nat! You can't be on your usual place right now, Clare and Christine has visitors. Just sit with Riley for this day."

I just nodded. I wasn't the one to react violently... unless it's math crap. So, I went to the room where Riley stays. I sat at the chair in the inner corner. Riley follows me, and places his bag beside my chair. I looked at him and asked, "You're already settled on a chair in front of me. Why would you want to settle on a chair beside me?" His face got closer to mine but I just looked at my bag to look for my notes. I feel him pull himself away from me.

"Maybe I just want to." Tell me. He's weird right? I place my notebook and book on the table and started doing the assignments. After a few minutes, I was distracted by the feeling of someone looking at me. Jesus Christ! There was only one person who is with me in that room. 

I looked at Riley and AHA! Caught you red handed, boy! "Is there anything you need? Looking at something in my direction is making me very uncomfortable."

"Probably, the same old." Of course! What else does he need? I brought out my intermediate pad paper, and ripped a sheet from it. Then, gave it to him. "Thanks, friend!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. We weren't friends. He just assumes we are. 

For the next hour, everyone was quiet. Yay! I was in the half of the questionaire when a paper hit my head. Assuming it was Riley, I looked at him, and he was sitting cmfortably like he doesn't have any troubles in his homework. "What now?" I said calmly.

"You're cute when you're mad"

I didn't mind him. I continued answering my math homework until I finished. But he distracted me again before leaving. He held my arm while it was resting on the table. "Goodbye Nat." he says. I just nodded. Sorry, but I was totally anti-social when it comes to him. Agh! That goofball irritates me everytime.


okay i should calm down.
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thanks. kbye.
next update: unknown

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