2 • Who?

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As soon as I enter school, Ha-yi, Mr. Lee's daugher hug me by my shoulder. My father have been setting up his group along with Mr. Lee so they are much likely to be partners. We both walk to our lockers to get our books.

Ha-yi left first since we have different classes this morning. I turn around after closing my locker and accidentally bump into someone's chest.

"Ya!" He shouts to me. My books are now scattered on the floor.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't see where I was going," I say. I pick up my books and try to walk away but he stops me.

"You think you can run away from me just like that? Kneel down!" He says and I tremble in fear. I was about to kneel but then someone stops me.

"Are you a fool? Just because you accidentally bump into him you want to kneel?" I turn around and find Minseok standing behind me.

"You punk! Get the hell away from here!" He shouts and the boy from before run away to the hallway.

"Are you okay?" Minseok asks and I nod. "Don't be stupid. I hate seeing him messing around with you," He says while ruffling his already-messy hair.

"Ya at least wear your tie properly," I say and pull down his tie. "Hold this," I put my books on his chest and help him with his tie. "Here. It looks better. Now, I need to go to class, I'm late!" I walk away from him and to my class.

~ Time Passes ~

I walk out from class to have my lunch. I take the metal tray and take some rice, kimchi, stir-fried octopus and tofu soup. I take a seat on the empty table near the window.

Suddenly someone slam down his tray next to me. I jumped up out of surprise and turn around to see who that is. It's Junhoe.

"Why is this food always look good but taste like crap?" He says and shove a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"Then why are you eating?" I ask and he looks at me with big eyes.

"Because I'm hungry," He says with a full mouth.

"Eat a lot so that you can grow taller," I take his spoon and shove spoonful of soup into his mouth. He coughs afterwards and takes a sip of his orange juice.

"Junhoe, don't eat messily, I'll hit your bottom again if you eat like a pig," Kevin says and sit in front of me. For your information, all three of them, Minseok, Junhoe and Kevin are the sons of my father's allies. We basically knew each other from our fathers' meeting and eventually became bestfriends.

"Kevin-ahhhh," Ha-yi scoot next to Kevin and scoops her hand onto his.

"No no! My sleeve will crumpled," Kevin says and sighs deeply.

"Sorry," Ha-yi says with an apologetically voice.

"You didn't eat?" I ask as I take a sip of my apple juice.

"Nope, I'm on diet!" He says and steals Junhoe's grapes.

"Yaa! That's mine," Junhoe says and Kevin laughs.

"It's mine now," Ha-yi says and run away.

"Bi*ch," He says and I hit his hand.

"She's still our friend," I say and he chuckles.

~ Time Passes By ~

The last bell rings and I immediately pack my things inside my bag. I take my dictionary and stuffs it inside my locker. It's too big to be kept at home. I then walk out from the school. I suddenly saw a familiar car right in front of our school's statue.

I look thoroughly and realize that it is my father's car. It's been a long time since he picked me up from school himself! I run to his car excitedly and get in.

"How's school?" He asks and I smile happily.

"It's fine. Are you okay now? Your bruises look better from last night," I say while scanning his face in detail.

"Yeah. I'm definitely better from last night," He chuckles. "I'm bringing you to my training centre today," He says and I clap in excitement.

"I'm so excited," I say and he ruffles my hair.

"Take a sleep or something. It's far from here," He says and I immediately lie down on the car seat. The next thing I know, the car already stop and we already arrive.

"You slept too soundly. It's hard to wake you up," My father laughs and I smile cheekily. We both come out from the car and get in the building. It's a three-storey building, light blue in colour.

We get in and everyone stops doing their activities to greet my father. Everyone bow to my father and gather around.

"Continue your practice, I'll be seeing Mark," He says and they nod.

Who's Mark? I've never heard his name before. I'm close with the youngsters only because they have a really close gap in age with me. But Mark... I've never heard of his name before.

I wonder who he is...
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Lots of love for Sunny Fairies! 🚨

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