Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Bonding

It had been a couple hours since Taehyung had left and Y/n had had enough play time with Jimin. She had been wandering around the lower floor trying to find something to do, the boys that had seen her confused on what she was doing.

She would sometimes stop to stare at nothing in particular for a few minutes before moving on. Her boredom meter was rising and she eventually tried looking for the youngest boy behind the curtains that separated sections of the lower floor. She had peered behind three curtains to find no one and on the fourth she had found the boy she was looking for.

Jungkook was sat, slightly hunched over, on a pile of pillows. In his hands was an Xbox gaming controller and upon the screen of the tv was an old game Y/n hadn't seen before. She walked over to the boy, her presence unknown as she sat down staring at the screen.

"Whatcha' doing Oppa?" Y/n questioned, scaring the boy and causing him to jump, consequently dying to a pink mech.

"You scared me Y/n," Jungkook mumbled before moving back into his place. "I'm playing a game called Overwatch."


"Yeah," Jungkook paused before looking over at the girl who had a curious look on her face, her body leaning closer to the screen as if it would help her get a better look into the game. He thought for a second before asking, "Do you want to have a go?"

The girl beamed and turned her head to the boy. She nodded her head and Jungkook made room for her to sit in between his legs. The girl scurried into the space and Jungkook held the controller in front of her.

"How do I do this?" Y/n questioned as she held the controller in her hands, holding it up slightly, tilting her head back to look at Jungkook.

"This stick thing is to move," Jungkook explained moving the joystick around, the character on screen doing the same pattern, "and this ones to look around." He then went through all the buttons, bumpers and triggers and what they did before allowing her to have a go.

"So I just shoot the bad people?" She questioned as she began to move the character he was once playing, Tracer, out of the base.

"That's basically it. But try and stay in those squares as long as you can, they win you the point."

"I never really played games because Hyunki never allowed me to," Y/n spoke as she began to shoot at the people with a red gamertag. Jungkook was amazed at how the girl was dodging and shooting other players easily.

He wasn't thinking as he asked, "Hyunki?"

"My dad. I just don't call him dad cos he wasn't really one... Woah! Look Jungkook I got a kill streak! What's a kill streak?"

"Oh..." the way she casually spoke caught him off guard, his mind regretting asking who. But to her it was nothing as she continued to play the game not trying to dwell on her words. "uh, a kill streak is when you kill people in a row without dying."

"I think I get it," she said as she continued to play. "Do you have any siblings Kookie?"

"I did. I actually had a little sister but I don't know where she is," Jungkook slowly stated, his mind running to the little girl his mind fuzzily remembered.

"A little sister? What was her name?" The curious girl asked before getting shot down again by the same pink mech that killed Jungkook.

Jungkook let out a sad chuckle as he tried to remember. When the name never appeared he sighed, "I don't remember."

"How can you not remember! She was your little sister!" The girl began to exclaim as she began to button mash the controller, "Why won't she die!"

"I was younger then - before we got separated. I hope she's doing okay. She would probably be around your age now that I think about it," Jungkook stated as he continued to watch the girl in his lap rage at how D.VA kept killing her, a laugh escaping his lips as she finally threw the controller onto a pillow as the screen lit up with the words defeat. "Maybe you could have been friends."

The girl finally turned her body, back to the screen as she stared at Jungkook. "Maybe, if we find her, I can be friends with her!"


There was a pause of silence.

"Hey Kookie?"

"Yeah Y/n-ie?"

"How did you meet Jiminie and Shuuie?"

At first Jungkook was confused on who she meant when she said 'Shuuie' But putting his mind to it he immediately thought of Yoongi, him being the only possible male. A chuckle escaped his lips as he couldn't see the cute nickname fitting the rougher android.

"Jimin Hyung and Yoongi Hyung?"

The girl nodded her head, a determined look on her face as she wanted to know more about Jungkook's history.

"I'll tell you some other time but not right now. It's too long of a story..."

"But we have time Kookie! Pretty please!" The girl began to beg.

"Are you sure? Your butt may start aching from sitting for too long," Jungkook stated trying to persuade Y/n.

"I don't mind! I'll just sit on the pillows!"

"Well where should I start?"

The girl began to think, thinking that the question was an actual question to her and not the boy questioning himself. His mind wondering how to sugarcoat the story for the younger girl. Before he could begin she burst out saying, "Start with who you met first!"

"Okay. I guess that means I start with Jimin Hyung..." Jungkook says, shuffling a bit as Y/n grabbed pillows and made herself comfortable for the story he was about to tell.

"I first met Jimin Hyung when he was...


A/n: Sorry that the updates are slow. I'm quite busy so sorry that you have to deal with me. I'll read it over for mistakes in a bit. :3

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