Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Ladders are scary, and so is Yoongi

A couple of days had passed since the news about the Hounds targeting supply pickups had been announced to the two other divisions. The two leaders of each division messaged back, setting up a time and place for the meeting between the three leaders of the organisation.

The location was a neutral bar, located in the downtown district of Seoul, hidden beneath a family run restaurant. Since Taehyung and Y/n were still news headlines, Namjoon saw it best that Taehyung not go to see the other leaders and instead brought Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi. This meant leaving the four youngest to keep Homestead tidy.

It did worry Jin slightly leaving the building in the capable hands of two metaphorical children and two literal children, but Y/n had kindly promised to keep them 'in line'. The group had been gone for a few hours prior to the current time and mayhem had already ensued from the get go. But this current situation was definitely the cherry on top of it all.

"Chiminie, that's dangerous!" The young girl shouted at the boy who was retrieving a lost ping pong ball that had miraculously landed on the 10 foot high window ledge. The named Android was gripping onto small indentations in the warehouses brick walls with Taehyung below prepared to catch the bot if he fell.

Jungkook was laughing his head off as Jimin realised how high up he was compared to the ground, his face contorting into one full of fear as he attempted to hug the wall closer to him. "Yah!" Jimin shouted down at the human boy.

"Why didn't you use a ladder, Oppa," Y/n wasn't as cheerful as Jungkook as she feared for the android. However, a small smile began to fade onto her face as she watched Jimin's predicament continue.

Taehyung was barely keeping composed as Jimin began to franticly shout, lifting his left leg off the wall and trying to blindly find his footing lower down the wall. A smile was already on Tae's face.

"Hyung, you know we have spare ping pong balls in the bag," Jungkook casually stated as he pulled out one of the balls from his pocket.

"What do you mean!" Jimin exclaimed, "You said there were none other than this one! JEON JUNGKOOK!"

At this point the only one not laughing was Jimin. Everyone was dying at the sight of the terrified male, laughter filling the warehouse like never before.

"Should we get a ladder?" Y/n questioned as she looked over to the ladder that had been tucked away under a tarp.

Everyone then looked to Jimin, then to each other, then back to Jimin.

A few seconds of silent debate went down before Jimin shouted, "Get the ladder!"

With one final glance between each other, Jungkook and Taehyung went to get the ladder from under the tarp, the laugh fit finished for now. Jungkook pulled the tarp off, revealing the dusty ladder underneath. Around one part of the ladder was duck tape, holding what seemed like two halves of a snapped ladder together.

This wasn't safe.

But they were going to use it anyway.

"Here ya go Jimin, one ladder straight from... over there in the corner! Be careful, it could break," Taehyung announced as if he were a waiter, serving Jimin who was the customer.

With a small amount of hesitation Jimin jumped onto the ladder, its frame bending slightly with the added pressure. At the creaking with every step, Jimin let out another scream. Every step he got closer to the snapped area the, ladder bent more and more. In a quick attempt to get out of the situation, with a 5 steps left to go, Jimin jumped to the ground landing in a crouched position before hugging his legs and falling to the floor.

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