Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - Song Byungwoo

An hours notice is what they got. An hour till the bastard Song Byungwoo stepped his foot into Homestead.

Namjoon was surprised at first when he got the letter, the other two leaders never came to Homestead, even if it was for meetings. They always held them else where, places hidden from hounds noses. Though this wasn't a special meeting, it definitely was important.

Ahn Ahrin - the leader of the Tunnels - was busy today, sorting out new Android arrivals. So today it'd be just the two of them. Kim Namjoon and Song Byungwoo. Which was bound to be eventful.

Song Byungwoo had a particularly strong hate for humans, and when Jae had promoted him to leader, he had already been kicked out a day afterwards due to having an 'unreliable' human conscious, unlike an Android.

When he had found out Namjoon was human, not meeting him until the first leader meeting, he threw quite a tantrum. He had only agreed to saying yes with him due to Namjoon's intelligence and with the persuasion of them needing human intel somewhere or else the whole idea of a haven for androids would fail. Ahrin usually kept the two boys in line, though she secretly agreed that Jae was stupid for putting an unstable Android in charge of such a massive organisation.

"Isn't this going to be fun," Yoongi sarcastically stated upon hearing the news of the androids visit.

Taehyung had yet to know the leader but judging by everyone's body language and expressions he knew this bot wasn't going to be nice.

"He'll only be here for an hour - more likely less. So in that time you all know what to do," Namjoon sighed out, not looking forward to the next hour either.

Jungkook was occupying Y/n, and Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok were organising the first set of new deliveries they were sending out to the different sections. Jin was going to be with Namjoon in the meeting taking notes, and Yoongi was lucky enough to be able to leave on a scouting mission.

It was already quite late, around dinner time. Byungwoo would arrive any minute. And just as everyone in Homestead quietened down, a knock at the metal door resonated through the open space.

Jin opened the door for the guests, Byungwoo and 2 other androids. Jin sent a smile to the centre man who just nodded and walked in.

"As busy as always, eh Namjoon?" Byungwoo stated, looking around the area in disgust. Namjoon walked up to the trio, stopping beside Jin. "Don't you clean this place?"

"We do," Namjoon simply answered before nodding to his office. The man just scoffed and trailed behind the human, looking around at the androids and human working. His eyes narrowed on Taehyung who was casually lifting a few boxes onto another pile.

"Got another killer?" Byungwoo stated loud enough for the floor to hear. His eyes were still on Taehyung as the android glanced over.

"Don't talk as if you've never killed someone," Namjoon replied, standing for the boy.

Byungwoo scoffed, rolling his eyes and not answering the question.

"Let's just get this meeting over with," Byungwoo sighed out quickly moving to the office first.

Jin places a hand on Namjoon's shoulder, silently telling him to not confront the Android too much. Namjoon nodded, an already tired look in his eye as he pushed the door open and into the room, vanishing from the sight of the boys below.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Taehyung mumbled to himself, as he divided packages of android parts into piles.

Jimin smiled, carrying a similar package to the same pile. "His existence is on the wrong side of the bed."

"Now, now you two," Hoseok hushed, giving a stern look to the boys, as he marked down the package numbers onto his clipboard, "we don't want a repeat of last time."

"I'm just saying what we all know is true," Jimin defended moving onto the next piles. Taehyung however paused for a moment, looking to Hoseok as he wondered what had happened previously.

"Last time?"

"Not really important," Hoseok tried to avoid but seeing as though they had time...

"Jungkook said some nasty things about the bastard. Byungwoo heard and well..." Jimin started, slowly drifting away as the memories came back.

"Byungwoo got a little more than offended." Hoseok continued, "He tried to pick a fight with the kid - who was about twelve-ish at the time. Only for Yoongi to step in and receive some more scars to his body in Jungkook's place."

Jimin shook his head, "the guys insane. He carries a knife in his pocket at all times. Just ready to harm any human he can."

"Which is one of the reasons we wanted Y/n to stay with Jungkook whilst he was here," Hoseok chipped in again. "Can you get 278, Taehyung?"

"Sure. But she's only a kid. Surely he wouldn't be that-" Taehyung stopped speaking his thoughts upon seeing Jimin's expression. "Really?" Taehyung couldn't believe it.

"Mhm. A pure waste of technology." Jimin stated, looking up at where Namjoon and the devil they were talking about were speaking.

"Why would Namjoon's friend even give him leadership?" Taehyung questioned further. This android was clearly not a great choice from how he acted. How on earth did he even manage to get such an important role in this operation.

"Namjoon actually asked Jae about it, some time after he was kicked out..." Hoseok said. "Apparently, Byungwoo used to be the perfect bot back in the old Sanctuary. Androids would come up to him for help and he'd gladly go along. He led them when Jae couldn't so he thought handing over the reigns to him was perfect-"

"Thought," Jimin emphasised.

"The first tester week went smoothly so Jae was all in the right when he made it official," Hoseok recounted, "but then the power got to Byungwoo's head. His ideals amplified and well... here we are."

"How come no ones ever gone against him now?"

"That Android is a two-faced snake. To sanctuary he's still the old Byungwoo. He covered up the lack of humans in Sanctuary with detailed excuses and makes sure what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors-" as Jimin finished what he said, an extremely angry looking Byungwoo burst out of the office, his men trailing behind him. As he reached the front door, he swiftly turned to give a final look at the relaxed human who calmly stepped out from his office.

"No matter what you say, you will never take control of my brilliant mind!"

And then he was gone - out the door. Hopefully, never to be seen for months to come.

When the door shut Namjoon rubbed his face trying to release some of his held in frustration. He looked over to his audience only to give them the 'don't ask now' face. Their discussions hadn't gone too well. And Byungwoo took no belief into the matter that was the Hounds operation.

Jin whispered the man, "what are we going to do?" Worry was in the androids eyes, having heard the entire conversation between the two.

Namjoon just shook his head, his mind racing. He looked down at his boys. "I'll think of something. I just need some time...

"I just know I don't have much time left."

1320 words

Hi. It's been a while. I haven't been into writing for a long ass time... well I have but just not publicly posting. I'm trying but my creativity is being channeled elsewhere. Hopefully a burst of willpower and inspiration will hit me soon Cos I really don't want to leave this book unfinished. Anyways hope your all staying safe and having as much of a Christmas as you can! If you're still here after all this time of lifelessness you a real one 😔👊 Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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