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It has been almost two months

since I last played the piano.

I started filling my house with music

when I was 6 years old

and became infatuated

with learning and creating new songs.

Touching and pressing the keys

brought swells of confidence with each note,

whether it be sour or sweet.

It was my escape to find euphoria.


that escape soon had to be closed off

and happiness limited.

High school and college drove away fantasies,

and the concern to please and compete

were more prominent.

It was then that

success became more important than contentment.

The overbearing amounts of work and expectations

have cluttered my life

and I haven't been able to just

continue my hobbies.

Reality took over my dreams

and my present adult-self forgot about the innocence of the past child.

I came home to find

piles of books and papers,

bills and letters

sprawled about my desk

in an unorganized fashion.

I still have my piano in the corner of my apartment,

but playing anything annoys the neighbors downstairs.

So it just sits there in the dark,

collecting dust.

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