An Old Friend

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While Jenny was walking home, wondering how the hell is she going to rob the bank, she came across a person who was her primary friend.
"Carly!" Jenny exclaimed.
"Auunnniiieee!" Carly, who looked up and ran to hug her.
They talked about each other's lives and their own lives, until Carly started bank robbery conversation.
"So where were you?"
"Oh, I was meeting up with Eric, Angie and Michelle. You know, our old classmates."
"Oh, what did you guys talk about? I wanna know!"
"Uhh..." Jenny hesitated, then decided to tell Carly her so-far plan. "We were playing dares, then Eric dared me to rob the bank because I suggested it. Little did they know, I took it seriously and actually want to rob the bank. I just don't have a plan. Nor friends that are willing to help me. I need to get out of reality."
"Aww, it's ok aunnie." Carly comforted her. Just then, Carly looked at her watch and realised something. "I have to go now. Bye bye!" And with that goodbye, she ran off.
Jenny sighed. And with another sigh, she walked back to her house. She looked across the street and saw her old, beloved primary school where she and her friends shared all the good memories together. She was happy and proud when she graduated from there.

Let's start small, shall we?

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