A Visit

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"Hi Ms M!" Jenny exclaimed while waving frantically at a lady insight. She was visiting her primary school since she had some time. Jenny decided to go and say hi to some old teachers while having a closer look at the school office.
"Didn't Community Day just end sir?" She asked a teacher, hoping to find out some information. Community Day was such a blast every year. Rides, food and activities, there could be about $2000 for the SRC. At least.
"Yes. This year there were some new rides and a lot more people bought CCs! Mrs R was very happy about all this. The office ladies will have a lot of money to count. It will stay overnight at school for about a week!" A teacher said excitedly while Jenny's eyes widened.
"Overnight, you say sir?" She asked curiously.
"Overnight indeed! Now, I must be going. Good afternoon."

Jenny walked towards the school gate, grateful that she found some information about this robbery. As she leave, she looked at the basketball court that was glowing in the sunlight. Memories. She was intrigued about a little kid who actually know how to dribble when she bumped into Angelrina.
"Angie, we need an emergency meeting." Jenny said as soon as she saw Angelrina.
"As if it is a real club, but sure."

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