Trying To Be Normal

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"Do we need a gun?" Jenny asked desperately.
"Of course we do! What if someone catch 4 sick kids wandering around their old primary school at night carrying bags of cash?" Eric exclaimed. He had a point.
"Where do you find a gun? Other than that, how are we going to go to the shop to buy a gun without anyone suspecting? We need a firearm license and that takes time. We need to take a safety training course!"
"For your information, you can buy a gun at a gun shop."
"You can literally buy a gun online." Angelrina said, looking up from her phone. "Look."
"Oh wow," Michelle said.
"We don't need an actual gun with bullets. We just need them to scare whoever." Jenny said.
"But what if?" Eric asked.
"If we follow the plan then we won't get caught and we won't have to use a gun and no one will die. Hopefully. We also need some sort of training. Anybody knows how to pick a lock?"

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