Dare, Double Dare, Triple Dare or Quadruple Dare?

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When a group of friends gathered together to play an iconic and old schooled game: Dare, Double Dare, Triple Dare or Quadriple Dare , the possibilities of stupidity are endless. They are all primary school friends, each now went their own paths, but still gathered together sometimes to talk about the days.
"Spin the bottle. Hurry!" Angelrina impatiently urged.
"Ok, calm down woman." Jenny replied, while reaching for the nearest bottle in sight.
"Don't talk to your sister like that, you disrespectful Asian!" She scolded.
Jenny ignore that old comment from her unbiological sister and span the bottle. The bottle landed on Jenny. Her reaction was mixed because she liked truths and dares depending on what they are. The end of the bottle landed on Eric.
"Jenny, Dare, Double Dare, Triple Dare or Quadriple Dare?" He asked
"Uhmm, you know what? Quadruple Dare. Give me a good one."
Eric kept giving Jenny strange and unnecessary dares that Jenny kept refusing to do.
"Just dare me to rob a bank or something?!" Jenny desperately suggested.
"Do it."
"I dare you to rob a bank."

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