Chapter Two

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- Journey's POV -

"Hey Dillon, um before we go in my house, please promise you aren't just talking to me because of my parents." I say parking in my driveway.

"I promise. I'm not like that." He reassured me.

I nod. We get out of my car and walk in my house.

"Journey, is that you ?!" My mother yells.

"No mom it's a burglar that has a key." I yell back causing Dillon to chuckle.

"Don't play like that hun. Who is you're friend ?" She asks.

"Mom, this is Dillon. Dillon, My mother." I say.

"Hello Mrs. Gomez. You have a beautiful daughter." He says causing me too blush.

"Please call me Selena. And yes I do, Thank you !" She replies.

"Where's my best friend ?" I ask talking about my dad.

"Right here !" He says walking down the stairs.

"Hey dad !" I say.

"Hey Journey !" He mocks my tone.

"Journey, Who is this ? You're boyfriend ?" my dad asks.

"DAD !? NO !" I yell embarrassed and blushing. Dillon is blushing as well.

"You're blushing love." My dad winks.

"You're embarrassing." I wink back.

"Where's you're rude friend Megan ?" Mom asks.

"I ditched her. She was rude." I simply say.

"Oh okay hun." My mother chuckles.

"We're going upstairs." I say.

"Love you !" My parents yell.

"Love you more !" I yell back.

"You're parents are like, the shit." Dillon say impersonating a girl. I laugh.

"Thanks. Their my bestfriends. I don't know what I would be doing without them." I say smiling.

"Who are you more close too?" Dillon asks.

"My dad. This may sound weird but he understands me about everything and anything. But my mom too." I say.

"Want a coke ? It's share a coke month." I smirk.

He nods. I take two cokes out of my mini fridge. I throw one too him.

"We should go play basketball." I say

"But I'll win and I don't want you to get hurt." he says.

"One, BYE ! I'm a beast at basketball. and two, I'll be fine." I laugh.

"Wanna bet I can beat you ?" he smirks. This bitch.

"You're on dildo !" I yell.

"Let's go !" he says.

"Let me change dude." I say. I send Dillon out and grab a 5SOS muscle tee. I also grab black 'Andi' basket ball shorts. I put my lavender hair in a messy bun and my blue socks with grey vans. I walk downstairs.

"Hey Dillon, watch out. My kid is a beast at basketball !" my dad says.

"Oh now I'm scared." Dillon says.

"You should be." I smirk.

~ OutSide ~

"You ready dildo ?" I smirk.

"Yes, yes I am. What's with the name dildo ?" he asks.

"Thought it was funny cause Dillon, Dildo, duh !" I say.

"Okay. Let's get this show on the road babe." He says smirking.

"Okay 'babe'." I say in a mocking tone.

~ After Game ~

"Dillon, I fell and scraped my knee and you still lost." I teased while laughing. He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"I let you win." He lies.

"Liar !" I yell.

"No I'm not a lair !" he yells.

"Yes you are ! Yes you are !" I say running.

"I'm gonna get you !" he yells chasing me. I was just about in the house before he pulls be back out by my waist.

"Hey, Dillon. Let my daughter go." Ny dad strictly says.

"Ugh dad. You're embarrassing." I groan.

"Let me guess, Journey won, teased you, ran scared, and you caught her ?" Dad smirks.

"Actually yes !" I say. I grab two waters when my phone rings. Megan. Ew.

"Yes Megan what do you need ?" I say harshly.

"Calm down j ! So I'm coming over !" she squeals.

"Um no. Bye." I hang up.

"Dillon Park ?" I ask. He nods. We walk I'm a comfortable silence till Megan appears.

"Journey !" She yells. I stared.

"Ew ! Why are you with this nerd ? That makes you a gross nerd !" She laughs.

"Fuck you ! This kid is my friend and the most coolest person I've ever met. You're a slut that would open her legs for anyone. You even tried with my father but he would never touch you so back tf off !" I yell.

"Oh Journey. Don't full anyone. I'm sure you didn't forget too tell this ass that you're adopted and you're mother was a gross druggy that overdosed." She laughed. She fucking told him. She promised. I did something I've never thought of doing, hit her. She's knocked out. I start punching a brick wall. It was bloody and of course, broke.

"I'm going home. I'll text you." I say to Dillon.

"Journey ? You're hand !" He says worried.

"I'll be okay. I promise." I say.

"Why didn't you tell me ?" He asks.

"Because it's my business." I say harshly.

"Okay sorry." He yells.

"Sorry. Bye." I say.

~ At Home ~

"Honey what happened ?!" my mother asked concerned.

"She told ! Megan fucking told ! She promised. I hit her then a brick wall. It's broken and I want too break her whole face." I yell.

"Justin !?" My mom yelled.

"Ye- wtf happened to my daughter !?" he asks looking at my hand.

"Megan told Dillon. She told him my fucking business ! I need to go back and fucking kill her ! She promised. What if he tells ?" I say trying to get out the door back to Megan. I was crying. Not because I'm weak, because I'm mad.

"He won't. Lets go." He says calmly walking to the car.

Hospital here I come.

Permanent Love - Tayor Caniff/Dillon Rupp FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now