Chapter Three ❤️

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- Dillon's POV -

I walk home upset. It was my fault. She was sticking up for me. I just wish I didn't know her secret because I'm bad with secrets. But I will do anything for Journey. She is perfect. I hope I don't ruin anything.

- Journeys POV -

I'm sick and tired of waiting in this fucking room. My hand hurts and I still want to beat the shit out of Megan. But there is a good thing about being here. It's that a very sexy boy is sitting across from me. He keeps staring. Probably because my parents but whatever. I am ripped out of my thoughts when I get a text from Megan.



M- Hey bitch. I heard you want to fight. I'm here right now. Let's go.

J- Be there slut.

I don't think she knows who she is messing with. I throw my phone and jump up.

"What's wrong Journey ?" My mom asks.

"She is fucking here. She wants too fight. I'm gonna. Please this needs to happen." I say and run out. My parents and the cute boy follows. Right when I get outside, she gets in my face.

"Hey J. Ready ?" she smirks.

"ANYDAY bitch." I say. She charges for me. I throw punch after punch. The cute boy grabs me by the waist and pulls me off. My dad and mom run to me. I am being held to the ground in my dad's arms while they check her.

"Dad, I'm sorry." I say crying.

"It's just, I'm disappointed Journey. You got along with everyone." he says.

"She did this dad !" I say.

"I know. But this is just crazy. I mean Journey, she is bleeding." my dad says.

"UGH !" I yell.

"Why couldn't I have been you're real kid. Biological ?" I ask.

"Because you're special and perfect. I love you." He says and smiles.

"I love you too. I love you mom." I say

"I love you too honey." She says.

"Hi Um excuse me but are you okay ?" The cute boy asks.

"Uh my hand hurts." I chuckle standing up.

"I'm sorry. I'm Taylor, Taylor Caniff." he says sticking out his hand.

"I'm Journey Gomez. Thank you for pulling me off. And I'm sorry I can't shake you're hand." I say. My hand is all purple and bleeding.

"It's all good. And beautiful name." He says and I blush.

"I think I should talk too her." I say pointing to Megan. She was looking at me holding her nose.

I walk over to her and look at her.

"Megan ?" I say. She looks nervous.

"Hit me." I say.

"What ?" she asks confused.

"Hit me. I did that too you. I deserve it. Hit me. I won't hit back." I say. She pulls her hand back slowly and then puts it back down.

"I can't do that to you." she says.

"Why ?" I ask

"Because you're my best friend and my sister J. You've been there for me no matter what. I'm just a bitch that only wants popularity." she says looking down.

"Megan, it's alright. You were really mean though. I still want to be friends but you have too be nice to people and not only use me for my parents." I say.

"Journey ?" she says.

"Yes ?" I ask

"My parents hit me." She says.

"What ?!" I yell.

"My dad rapes me. My mom hits me. I thought if i was popular or nice to you're parents that they would take me in. I'm sorry." She starts crying.

"Megan, I'm so sorry." I say and hug her.

"I'm so scared Journey. They will kill me." She sobs.

"You're not going home." I say.

"What ?" she asks confused.

"Stay here." I say and walk over to my parents.

"Mom, dad, I have something to tell you." I say.

"What ?" they ask.

"Megan is abused and sexually disturbed at home. That's why she was always over me. She wanted me too help her. What if they kill her mom ?" I start crying.

"I can't let her go home." I say as my mom hugs me.

"She can stay with us." My mom says.

"Thank you so much." I say and run over too Megan.

"Megan you're allowed to stay with me !" I say

"OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU !" She yells jumping on me, hugging me.

"It's okay. You're my bestfriend. Will you promise something to me ?" I ask.

"What is it ?" she asks.

"Will you be nice to people ?" I ask

"Yes I will." she smiles. I smile.

"Journey, meet Nadia and her boyfriend Matthew. I just met them." Megan says pointing to a girl with light brown hair and a mixture color of eyes. She was honestly gorgeous 😍 . Then a boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Journey Gomez." I introduce myself. Maybe we'll all be friends.

Permanent Love - Tayor Caniff/Dillon Rupp FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now