Chapter 4⃣

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- Journey's POV -

Honestly, Megan is a really good person. She is being herself and she is so amazing. I've became good friends with Nadia and Matthew. Matthew better treat her right or I will cut his balls off. Literally. She is do caring and sweet. Like it would be so easy for someone to take advantage of her but I won't let that happen. Neither will Matthew. I've got also close too Taylor Lately 😏 He is pretty hot and he is super sweet. I haven't talked to Dillon since that day. Maybe I should text him.

To: Dildo 😂💕: Hey dildo. I'm really sorry. I was so pissed. I broke my hand. Megan came to the hospital and shit went down. I'm really sorry :(

From: Dildo 😂💕: Hey. It's okay J ! I'm not upset at all. :) What happened with Megan ?

To: Dildo. 😂💕: Come over.

After I send that to Dillon I go tell Megan, Nadia, mad Matthew that Dillon is coming over.

"Yeah. I should apologize to him. I was a total bitch." Megan says. I chuckle.

"Yeah you should." I say. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I excepted it to be Dillon but I was wrong. it was, Megan's parents.

"Yes ?" I ask.

"Where's my daughter ?" they yell.

"Why do you care ?" I say. I feel and sharp pain in my cheek and I know her father punched me. I see him run too Megan but I can't see straight. I fall to the floor. Nadia runs too me.

"Oh My God ! Journey are you okay !?" she asks scared.

"I need to help Megan ! Stay here !" I yell and run too my parents room.

"Mom, Dad ?!" I yell.

"Journey what happened to you're face !?" my dad asks.

"Megan's dad is here. He hit me and now he is hitting Megan ! Please help !" I yell. My dad tells me and my mom to stay but of course I didn't listen. My dad tackles Megan's dad.

"DONT EVER TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN !" My dad yells punching Megan's dad. Dad throws him out and runs too me.

"Journey are you okay ?!" He yells looking at my face. I nod.

"Megan !?" I yell and run too her. She isn't breathing. "Dad she needs help !" I yell.

He calls 911 and they arrive. They take her on a stretcher and say I can go. I jump in the back and grab her hand.

"Please stay." I whisper my tears falling on her arm. Nadia and Matthew are crying. We arrive at the hospital.

- 4 hours later -

I've been sitting in this waiting room when Taylor appears. I called him.

"Journey !?" he says hugging me.

"What happened to you're face ?" he says. I cry.

"Her dad hit me and her. She isn't breathing." I choke out. He sits down and hugs me tight. I see Dillon walk in.

"Journey what's going on ?" he asks. I stand up and hug him.

"He hit her so hard. Megan parents abuse her so I let her stay with me. They came for her. She might not make it." I cry.

"It'll be okay." he says.

"No it won't !" I say.

"Hi I'm Taylor." Taylor introduces himself.

"I'm Dillon nice too meet you." he says back.

"Megan ?" the doctor says. I jump up.

"Yes ?" I asks.

"Megan was in coma. She didn't make it. It was to much for her to handle. She died. I'm sorry." he says and walks away. I fall to the ground. Taylor is the first one to hug me and Dillon is just staring.

"She's gone Taylor !" I yell.

"It's okay I'm here." he says. i sob into his chest. My parents walk in.

"Journey ?" they say.

"She's gone." I say. They hug me.

"I want to go home. Can Taylor and Dillon come ?" I ask.

"Of course. Nadia and Matt went home. They were shocked." My mom says. I nod. My best friend is gone.

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