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Dan's POV

It had been three days before my rent was due. I still hadn't gotten enough money.  I only had one more day to get 600 more dollars. I started to think if I should just ask to move in with Phil. He mentioned he needed a new roommate. "Should I cal him?" "Would it be weird if we met in person?" "Would he like me for who I really am?" These thoughts ran around in my head while looking at Phil's contact. His name in my phone was "AmazingPhil" He really was amazing.

I clicked on the call button before I could change my mind. It rang 3 times before he answered. The whole time it rang I started to worry. I don't know why exactly. But when he answered I could tell something was wrong, not with me. But him.

"Hey Dan!" I knew it was forced. I knew he was forcing himself to be happy right now.

"Your crying." I heard a sniffle.

"Heh, how can you tell?"

"Because I know you and your not that good at faking Philip. Why are you crying"

"It's stupid"

"Please, tell me"

"I um... got a really bad hate comment on one of my videos" I eminently wanted to punch the troll who did this to him.

"What did it say?"

"It wasn't about me. It was about you." Okay now I really wanted to punch this guy. "He said you should kill yourself because you weren't good enough to be friends with me." My heart broke a little. I already thought this. So I guess it was true. I'm a price of shit, a disappointment. A mistake.

"Maybe their right." I whispered under my breath. Apparently to loud because Phil heard it.

"No Dan! That's why I was crying! Because I couldn't imagine you killing yourself much less not be in my life. You are my closest friend and maybe my only friend at this point and if I lost you I wouldn't know what t-"

"Phil. It's okay. I wouldn't leave you." He started crying more now.

"But why would you even stay with me? I have no other friends and I make videos on the internet for a living!"

"Because, because I love you phil." I didn't say this. I just thought it in my head. If I said this he would never be the same around me. So I just thought the next best thing.

"Because phil, you're so funny and caring and sweet. I feel the same way. I've been more happy since I've talked to you."

"Thank you Dan. Now what did you call for?"

"Oh erm. I was kinda gunna ask if I could move in. I didn't make enough money to pay." I know he smiled at my sentence.

"Oh of course Dan! We would have so much fun and I could actually meet you in real life! When are you coming!?"

"Oh okay! I was thinking I could pack my things tonight and get on a flight the next day."

"Omg this is going to be so fun! I'll clean up the house and I'll work my plans so I can pick you up at the airport!"

"Heh okay Philip. I'll see you tomorrow."


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