Chapter 1

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Helana's pov

I'm Helana Fay Daniels, 15 years old, I'm about 5,4 curvy body long wavy REAL hair I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican, addition to all that I have green eyes. I live in Beverly Hills with my mom who is always working now. She's an actress for a new TV show "Fast Life" its a action show about thugs and drugs. I asked my mama why she chose to do something out of the romantic production. She told me that it was time for a "new role".

Sitting out side by the pool waiting for my best friend Lauren to come over when I heard...

"Hey Baby" spoken by my mother

"Hey mom, what are you doing home?" I questioned

"I need to tell you something" her face looking serious

"What is it?"

"You know my new TV show "Fast Life" Right......"


"Well Umm, It's going to have different sets all over the world and" I cut her off

"That's great mom! When are we leaving?" I always go with my mom when she has acting jobs out of LA.

"Lana sweetie, you're not coming with me"

"What? What do you mean I'm not coming with you?" I said almost angrily.

"You are not coming with me, we will be in a different place every couple weeks and I don't want you to go through that, you'll fall behind on your school work you'll be getting less sleep."

"Mom, so you're going to leave me and Kenny (my teacup pup) here with Mr. George (the Butler)?" I asked with a small attitude.

"No Hun, I'm also selling the house in a couple weeks, and I let George know so he can find a new job."

"Where am I going to stay?, You're going to let me stay with Lauren?"

"No I have some place better in mind and you're leaving next week to be exact."

"Next week?" I asked in shock " I'm staying with grandma aren't I?"

" Nope" my mom said smiling like this was amusing.

"Mom, where?" I asked giving up on guesses.

" With your father"

"Who? you said I didn't have one" I said holding back every emotion of anger and sadness. "Does he know about me?, How come I've never seen him?"

"Because I left him." she uttered

"What?, you know what don't tell me you've had 15 years to. " I blurted , feeling my eyes water and my lip tremble staring at the lady who lied to me my entire life. I stood up and left her sitting by the pool.

My head full of thoughts as I pushed the elevator button heading to my room.

When I got there I just fell onto my bed letting out all my tears into my pillow. I forgot that I asked Lauren to come over today, I didn't even hear the elevator open on my level, nor the door to my room.

"Helana why are you crying?" Lauren asked her voice full of concern.

I turned over in my bed and looked up at her and watched her as she grabbed the box of tissues on my dresser and climbed in my bed.

"Thank you" I said tugging the tissues out the box sniffling and whipping my tears that keep falling.

"What's wrong Helana?" she asked again gently.

"I...I...I.." I stuttered .

"Calm down, breath" Lauren spoke softly and soothingly.

I sniffled again too a deep breath and began to tell her about the conversation my mom and I had by the pool.

"So my best friend is leaving me?" she spoke.

"Yes" I stated wiping the last of my tears.

"Well where does your dad live?" she asked.

I chuckled "I didn't even asked" looking down.

"Find out" I could hear the anticipation in her voice.

" I don't want to talk to her Lauren, to be honest I want to meet my dad and I want to leave here asap" I confessed

"You don't even know him" Lauren said sounding motherly

"That's why I want to meet him" sounding a little bit bitchy

"Why can't you just come stay with me? or stay here with Mr. George?" she questioned

"Because mama said that she's selling the house. and told Mr.  George about it" I explained

"I just don't want you to leave. You're my best friend" she confessed

"I don't want to leave you Lauren. Can you come with me?"

"My mom won't let me leave the Hills till I finish high school, But I'll try and visit you as soon as I can." Lauren told me

"Okay, I guess I'll be starting a new life on my own." I said checking the time "Its 7:45, Can you stay for dinner, I really don't want to be alone at the table with my mother.

"Of course I can Lana! But another question" Lauren exclaimed.

"Go for it"

"What are you going to tell Brandon?"

"I will have to break up with him" I whispered loud enough where she can hear.

> After dinner <

Lauren's pov

*sighs* Honestly I don't understand why Helana can't come stay with me or why her mother is selling the house. Mr. George can look over Helana. Why does she want to meet her dad anyways she hasn't known her day her whole life why is he so importaint now? She doesn't even know her dads name why would she want to go live with some random guy?

My thoughts took over my mind on my ride home from Helana's house, I just had one of the most awkward dinner of my life, all you hears was the silverware clanking to the plates.

When I made it home found my mother and father on the couch I told them I was home and headed up stairs to take my shower and get ready for bed. I have to help my best friend pack tomorrow.

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