c h . o n e

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You were just the happiest person alive.. or atleast you thought you were..
You had been friends with this guy since you both were just toddlers, and now he was just the love of your life. You couldn't stand to be away from him because you loved the way he looked at you, held you, the way he kissed your soft lips... the way he said 'I love you'... but all that changed.

~3 Days Earlier~
**incoming call from WORLD🌏**
"Hello?" ~y/n~
"Wassup baby" ~WORLD🌏~
"Nothing much.. I miss you. You wanna hang out?" ~y/n~
"Yeh, where and what time?" ~WORLD🌏~
"At the park when you're available!" ~y/n~
"Sure, I'm down. Let's say.. 6:30?" ~WORLD🌏~
"Perfect.. ok I'll be there. See ya." ~y/n~
**call ended**
I put my phone down and went to get dressed up. I just picked the regular old sweat pants, tank top, gray hoodie, and Adidas. "Omg can 6:30 come any quicker??" I said impatiently. I went and fixed me some cheesy ramen. I grabbed my food and sat on the couch to watch tv, trying to pass by time. As I was finishing up, I got a text from my boyfriend.
"Hey.. can we talk?" ~WORLD🌏~
"Umm sure, what's up?" ~y/n~
"Look uh.. I won't be able to make it today..." ~WORLD🌏~
"What?? Why? Did something come up?" ~y/n~
"No.. it's not that. Look I'm gonna come over there so we can talk. I'll be there in a few." ~WORLD🌏~
"Ok..." ~y/n~
I was beginning to get a bit worried. He's never said can we talk or we need to talk or anything like that. I was getting the slick gut vibe he was about to dump me. But whatever it was, I wonder why he couldn't just text it to me. Must be very serious. I get a knock on the door. 'He's already here..?' I said in my head. I went to open the door to see who it was. It was my boyfriend. "Hi y/n.." he said oddly. "Uh hey bf/n, come in" I replied. He came in the door, and I walked in behind him after closing the door. He goes and sits on my couch. "Um.. is there anything I can get you like a glass of water? Food?" I asked him. "Eh no I'm fine, I'd rather not eat before we talk about this." he said in a really odd way. "Oh well um.. ok what's up?" I asked. "Look I need to talk to you.." he told me. My heart sank, while my gut got hot inside. "Sure what's going on? Is this referring to us..?" I said concerned. I don't know why I asked that, it just came out. Now I was more worried that he was gonna just come straight forward with it. "Yes..." he said. I already knew this day were coming.. just not this soon. 'why now.. why us..' I said in my mind as my cheeks burned. "Are you about to break up with me..?" I said as I started to tear up. "Yes.. I'm sorry it has to be this way babygirl. You know I will always love you so never forget that if anything is ever wrong, you can always talk to me." he said in a reassuring, yet comforting voice. "Ok I just.. missed you and I.." I stopped and I leaned into his chest and started sobbing my eyes out. "It's going to be ok my love.. we both did nothing wrong in this relationship.. we both just need to take a good long break" he said as his voice started to crack. "Can we atleast share one last kiss..?" I said as I looked up from his chest. "Yes look at me, wipe your eyes I'm not going anywhere." he wiped my tears from my eyes and pecked my lips. Well we didn't officially separate, but we're not together which hurts even more to think about....

I need to sleep..

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