c h . n i n e

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I looked all around for him. I couldn't find him. The only thing I could do is sit and see if he comes back. I think I started wanting him to come back. I just went back and laid in bed. Soon, I had dozed off to sleep.

~About two weeks later~
It's been two weeks since I've seen the look-see. He never showed back up. My phone rang. I picked up. It's a call from my mom.
**incoming call from mommy💕**
"Hello?" ~y/n~
"Hey baby, me and your brother are on our way home." ~mommy💕~
"What? I thought you guys were gonna be gone for another week!" ~y/n~
"Well we decided we were gonna just come back home early." ~mommy💕~
"Oh o-ok mom. Well call me back when you're almost home." ~y/n~
"K. Bye." ~mommy💕~
"Kk." ~y/n~
**call ended**
I missed them so much, now they're finally coming home. Two hours passed, and I had gotten a call from mom again.
**incoming call from mommy💕**
"Hey you're almost home??" ~y/n~
"Yes, I'm just picking us up some food. You hungry?" ~mommy💕~
"Omg yes ma'am! Thank you so much.." ~y/n~
"Ahh it's what I do as a mom — keep my babies happy!" ~mommy💕~
"That's true. Well I'll see you in a little while mommy." ~y/n~
"Ok love." ~mommy💕~
**call ended**
I sat on the couch and waited for them. As I waited, I started feeling a little sick. Mmm I groaned. I felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach began to hurt. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up. Ahh maybe it's just food poisoning I thought in my head. I washed out my mouth and went to get a cold drink of water. As I finished drinking my cold water, I heard a vehicle pull up in the driveway. I put my cup down and ran to look out the door. It was my mom and bro. Omg! I'm so happy to see you guys! I said to them as I gave them both hugs. They hugged back. Mom grabbed the food, and locked up the car. For some reason, the smell of the food made me feel sick. Omg mom what is that smell? I said as I turned around and threw up on the grass. This was my second time throwing up today. This has never happened before. Something was wrong, I just knew it.

Could it be...

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