III: we will rock you

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"mud on your face, you big disgrace."

Edmund Pevensie was back in Narnia with his three siblings

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Edmund Pevensie was back in Narnia with his three siblings. After waiting a year, they'd already noticed Cair Paravel had been destroyed but we're back in their old clothes after finding their chests of things they left behind. They were walking along a beach when Lucy spotted someone in a boat, two soldiers holding a dwarf over the river, looking like they were about to throw him in.

Susan ran forward with her bow and arrow. "Drop him!"

That's not going to go down well. Edmund thought as he and Peter ran to join the girls. The dwarf mumbled something and looked quite alarmed but the soldiers threw him in anyway. Some 'drop him' that was, Susan.

Susan shot an arrow at one of the soldiers and he fell into the river, the other followed without question. Edmund and Peter ran towards the river and dived in, Peter going for the dwarf and Edmund pulling the boat back to shore. The dwarf sat there on the beach and coughed before looking up at the four of them, very unimpressed.

"Drop him?!" He exclaimed. "That's the best you can come up with?" He glared up at Susan as the boys looked at each other, really confused about what was happening.

Susan, wasn't having any of it. "A simple thank you would suffice."

"They we're doing fine drowning me without your help." The angry dwarf pointed at the river.

"Maybe we should've let them." Peter said quite calmly. The dwarf looked down with nothing to come back with.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked him.

The dwarf looked at her like she was mad. "They're Telmarines, it's what they do." He explained.

"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund questioned.

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" The dwarf said as he coughed up more water.

Lucy laughed. "It's a bit of a long story." Susan handed Peter his sword back and it caught the dwarf's eye. He looked up at them all in awe.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." The dwarf grunted. "You're it. You're the kings and queens of old."

Peter stepped forward. "High King Peter, the Magnificent." He our his hand out for the dwarf to supposedly shake, but the dwarf just stared at it.

"You probably could've left out the last bit." Susan smiled at her brother. This sent the dwarf into actual laughter. "Probably." He looked back at Peter.

"You might be surprised." Peter said, sheathing his sword again.

"You don't want to do that boy." The dwarf side-glanced him.

"Not me." Peter said. "Him." He handed his sword to Edmund who was thought to have been the best swordsman in Narnia before their disappearance. The dwarf took Peter's sword as the pair got ready for a duel.

At first it looked as if the sword was too heavy for the dwarf but playing it off well he swung at Edmund and the tall boy had to duck down to avoid getting his head chopped off. The dwarf elbowed the bridge of his nose and mocked him but Edmund swerved behind him and tapped his back with the tip of his sword. Edmund soon proved himself and the dwarf looked terrified as his sword shot out of his hands.

The dwarf fell to the sand again. "Beards and bedstands. Maybe that horn worked after all."

Susan's eyes widened. "What horn?"


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