XIII: keep yourself alive

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"i was told a million times of the trouble in my way."

She grabbed her sword and stood back with the centaurs watching Edmund go off the other way

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She grabbed her sword and stood back with the centaurs watching Edmund go off the other way. Her brother ran inside and jumped onto his horse as he rode the ambush of hoofed assassins out of the How, cutting off the supporting pillars. The How had completely collapsed by the time the Telmarines and Narnians had clashed forces.

Juliet's sword clashes multiple times as it became cold and covered in ice, every victim she cut almost froze to death before they bled out and finally Caspian came to his sister's aid. "You're better than I remember." He complemented.

Juliet laughed sarcastically. "You're such a prick!"

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Tree roots popped out of the ground and made dents and shallow valleys in the ground, Caspian and Juliet fell into one and tried to climb their way out but it was too hard. Glozelle appeared at the top and stared down at them, pointing his crossbow at them both. Caspian stepped in front of his sister to shield her just before he put the crossbow down and looked upon the children with loving eyes.

Finally he saw the truth. Two children, manipulated by their uncle and had tried to be killed about ten times in both of their life spans so far. Glozelle reached down and stretched his arm out, offering his hand to Caspian who took it and pulled himself out before they helped Juliet.

Juliet stood up and hugged Glozelle tightly. "So, you are on our side." She whispered.

"I worked for your father, not that idiot." Glozelle laughed. "They're heading for the bridge to get more recruits. If you run now, you'll get there before them." The two Telmarines nodded and turned away from him.

"Glozelle!" Juliet shouted. "We'll come back for you!" She shouted before they started to run for the forest, grabbing Edmund, Peter and Susan on their way.

When they reached the bridge, the war was behind them.

"We can't go across it! If we go, they'll follow us and it'll collapse!" Susan shouted when Peter tried to cross it.

"Yes but then the bridge will be destroyed!" Peter shouted.

"And we all drown. Great plan, Pete." Juliet gave him a thumbs up. The five kids stood there waiting for the troops to arrive, and when they did, they stopped dead in their tracks. Susan turned around and pulled the other four with her, and stood at the other side of the bridge was Lucy.

Lucy started to walk along the bridge, holding a small knife in her hand. Some soldiers started laughing before a huge lion appeared behind her.

Juliet grabbed Edmund's hand. "Is that-"

"Aslan." He smiled. "Yeah, that's him."

Aslan let out a roar and then there was a pause before the Telmarines began to run at him and across the bridge. The waves on the river started to grow in size before a large water man emerged and looked over the soldiers on the bridge, before washing them away.

"Jump!" Caspian shouted and the five children jumped into the river swimming to the other side desperately along with the other Narnians. They reached the other side seeing minimal numbers of Telmar soldiers and the ones still alive were being divided and had their weapons taken off them.

In front of them was Aslan and Lucy. Juliet was on her knees and bowing before his in an instant.

"Rise, kings and queens of Narnia." Aslan's voice rang out like an old rusty bell. Peter, Susan and Edmund got to their feet but the Telmarines stayed put. "All of you."

Juliet's eyes shot to Caspian who looked up. "We don't think we're ready." He explained.

"And that is why you are." Aslan told them both and Edmund held his hand out for Juliet to take. She smiled as their eyes met.

"Can anyone else hear that?" Juliet asked no one in particular, there was a faint trumpet sound coming from behind them. Edmund looked over Juliet's shoulder to see the mice carrying a male shift bed with Reepicheep laying upon it. Juliet used her other free hand to grab Edmund's arm and squeezed it tightly.

Lucy bent down and got her remedy out, taking off the lid and pouring a little bit into his small mouth. His eyes flickered and he jumped off the bed celebrating before turning to spot Aslan. "Ah, hail Aslan!" He bowed. "It is a great honour to be in-"

Reepicheep fell over and saw that even though his life had been restored, his tail hadn't. He started to panic.

"I am completely out of countenance." The mouse covered his little stump of a tail up with his hands. "I must have your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." He scampered over to Lucy. "Erm, perhaps a bit more."

Lucy shook her head. "I don't think it works like that." She told him sadly.

"You can have a go." Reepicheep insisted.

Aslan chuckled. "It becomes you well, small one."

"All the same, great king." Reepicheep took out his sword. "I must regret to withdraw as a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse."

"Perhaps you think too much of your honour, my friend." Aslan asked him.

"Well it's not just for honour, it's also great for balance." Reepicheep complained, making Juliet laugh and bury her head into Edmund's shoulder. "And climbing, and grabbing things."

"This is not for your dignity, but for the love of your people." Aslan told him as his tail started to sprout out and get bigger. Reepicheep realised what was happening and started to celebrate with his fellow mice.

Juliet smiled and looked back at the river and the broken bridge, then she saw a familiar figure drifting in the water. "Glozelle!" She whispered and ran over to the shore. "Caspian help!"

Her brother ran over and they both waded into the water, dragging the body out. Caspian laid him out on the sand and he looked lifeless. Juliet's breath hitched, then Glozelle coughed.

"Told you we'd come back for you."


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