XXVI: these are the days of our lives

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"when we were kids, when we were young. things seemed so perfect, you know?"

 things seemed so perfect, you know?"

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There was a storm.

Edmund leant over Juliet's bed and clutched the messy white cloth to his arm after the dragon, Eustace had flown him around the island twice and not quite fully let go of him afterwards. The big gash in his arm was comforting realisation that his cousin had somehow managed to get himself turned into a bloody dragon. Edmund wanted to kill him. As he looked down on Juliet's face he could see that there was some colour beginning to come back, she'd been pale the day before when the others had slept on the beach, almost looked dead.

"Is she still sleeping?" Caspian said, closing the door carefully behind him, trying not to make a sound. Edmund only nodded. Whatever was going on had tested all of them, it had to stop. Caspian sat down and touched his sisters hand as her eyes fluttered open.

"Juliet?" Edmund said again, wondering if she'd open her eyes this time, and she did.

She looked over at Caspian and then at Edmund, who she continued to look at as her voice returned. "Are we dead?"

Ed laughed. "No, what happened to you though?" He asked, determined to find an answer.

"I don't entirely remember." Juliet sat up with her brother aiding her. Suddenly, her eyes widened. "I saw her."

Caspian stares at Edmund who looked equally confused. "Who?"


Edmund's eyes flicked up to Juliet who was looking straight into them already.

"She was stood across from the rock pool, looking at me, into me. She told me I was her, like her. Her voice got louder and louder but I guess I couldn't take it." Juliet looked over at each of them and they nodded understandingly. "It's the mist, isn't it?"

Edmund nodded. "Guess so, got to Eustace as well. Greedy git." He muttered, drawing a smile upon Juliet's face.

Caspian stood up and sighed loudly. "I'd best go warn Drinian and the crew, you two stay here or if you can Juliet, come up deck." Caspian told her before walking out, Edmund's attention was drawn right back to her.

"What happened to Eustace then?" She asked, Edmund only laughed.


After sitting and chatting for what seemed like days but was really only an hour and thirty eight minutes, Juliet finally gathered enough strength to get off the bed, to get changed, and to let Edmund help her back up deck. As the pair of them climbed the last few steps Edmund stopped and looked over at her, Juliet winced in pain again, clutching the side of her torso where a big blue bruise had formed from where she'd hit the ground. Edmund kissed her cheek and she smiled up at him, she never wanted him to leave again, never.

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