It's a Guy

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Staring up towards his bedroom ceiling as he lay on his back, Alan was completely lost in only one thought: Daniel Lang told him he was hot. Not just "hot" per se, fucking hot. The statement was on repeat in his mind, the sound of Daniel's voice echoing like a broken record. The only thing that would've made it better was if he could've seen his amazing face as he said it.

Alan covered his own face with his arms in disbelief, a goofy grin coming to his face. It all happened so quickly, yet it felt like an eternity to him as he sat in the passenger seat of Daniel's car.

"You're bullshitting me..." Alan muttered in response, his face beginning to change to a mild red color as he stared at a rather fuzzy version of Daniel.

"I'm not. Seriously, you're hot as hell." Daniel repeated, calmly. "I'm not understanding how you don't see this."

"Again, blind." Alan replied, pointing to himself as he squinted slightly.

"Get contacts, stat. It will do you wonders." Daniel spoke with a laugh. "You have this... boy-next-door look to you that's really attractive without the glasses. With glasses, you're just... an adorable nerd."

Alan couldn't help but bashfully laugh at that, unsure of what to say. "Never had another guy tell me this stuff..."

There was a moment of pause between the two of them, which caused Alan to clear his throat and put his glasses back onto his face immediately after.

"Thanks for the ride home. I appreciate it." Alan quickly forced out, keeping his gaze towards the floor as he reached for his backpack that rested near his feet.

"Yep, no problem." Daniel stated, turning back into his seat to face the windshield. "Have a good night."

Alan opened the car door and climbed out of the seat not too longer after, carefully closing the door behind him. He crossed the sidewalk as he heard Daniel's car drive off behind him, not helping but to glance over as he watched it drive down his neighborhood street.

Standing there in the middle of his front yard, Alan recalled everything that happened seconds prior, and couldn't help but do a horrible attempt at a 2-step right then and there. He then realized he was outside, probably embarrassing himself, and quickly ran into his house.

He immediately went upstairs and headed straight for his bedroom. He threw his bag into his closet, placed his glasses onto his desk, and landed face first onto his bed in utter glee. Having laid there for quite some time, he eventually sat up in bed, checking his alarm clock for the time. It was only 5:45pm, giving him plenty of time to dwell on it all.

"Hey, buttface! Come help us!" a female voice yelled through the door loudly.

"Little shit..." Alan muttered under his breath, his feeling of bliss interrupted. He shuffled off his bed, grabbed his glasses as he did so, and headed back downstairs towards the kitchen, seeing his mother and younger sister chopping vegetables.

"My name is Alan, Kristen. A.L.A.N." Alan replied with a glare.

Kristen, his younger sibling by 2 years, smirked at him. While they were 2 years apart, they were very close in height, her hair a shade of dirty blonde and curly as it rested on her shoulders. Her blue eyes had a mischievous look in them as she saw her older brother enter the kitchen. "Buttface. B.U.T.T.-"

"Kris, stop." their mother spoke with a sigh, shaking her head with a small smile. Their mother, Catherine, was average height and slim, with straight blonde hair and green eyes.  "How was your day, Allie? Good, yes?" his mother asked as she shuffled around.

"It was...." Alan paused, everything rushing to his mind once again. "Amazing..." he answered with a bright smile.

This caught the attention of both his mother and sister, who stared at him in surprise.

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