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"I'm trying to understand what exactly you are planning to do and how it involves my mother." Daniel asked as he walked alongside Alan back to his house, crossing the street from the park.

"It's complicated, Daniel. Did Mika say when she was going to be coming to your place?" Alan asked as he walked quickly, glancing over to Daniel pensively.

"Let me check..." Daniel stated, grabbing his phone and looking it over. "She said she would show up around 4, since we're supposed to be at the school by 6, and that's when homecoming starts. But, I offered to take her to dinner as well..."

"That's a good incentive." Alan proclaimed. "Ok, so... 4 hours from now..." Alan stated, looking at his own phone to see that it was Noon. "That's plenty of time."

"Alan, tell me what's going on." Daniel spoke, reaching over and grabbing onto Alan's right hand to get his attention and slow his pace. "You were going to tell me something about Mika back at the hospital but you didn't... what's up with her?"

Alan stopped walking at the touch, turning to face Daniel completely as he spoke. "Mika... well... Mika wants you, Daniel. For more reasons than just going to homecoming together." Alan admitted, a worried expression appearing on his face.

"How so?" Daniel pressured, concerned.

"I'll explain everything, but I just want to get to your place. I honestly don't feel safe outside right now." Alan replied, squeezing Daniel's hand as he did so.

"Alright... let's continue then..." Daniel stated with a nod, their hands locked together as they continued their walk.

While Alan's mind ran through several different scenarios as to how everything could evolve regarding their encounter with Mika, he was also unbelievably giddy at the fact that Daniel was holding his hand as they walked.

OMG.... O.M.G. I never would've imagined this. NEVER. Daniel is HOLDING MY FUCKING HAND. Fuck that... HE LIKES ME! I'm dead, aren't I? No... his hand is warm and soft... I wonder what moisturizer he uses. Fuck... this is so... I can't describe how happy I am right now.

Not helping but to look over at Daniel from the corner of his eye as they walked, he could see that the other had looked over at him at the same time. When their eyes locked, they immediately looked away, a smile appearing on both of their lips.

I could die right now. I really could.

When they reached the front steps of Daniel's home, Alan quickly moved his hand from Daniel's and placed both in his pockets. Daniel was surprised, not expecting such a reaction.

"Your parents don't know about you... right?" Alan questioned, uncertain.

With that, Daniel gave a soft sigh, shaking his head to confirm. "You're right... they don't."

"It's ok, Daniel. You can tell them when you're ready. I just wanted to be precautious." Alan reassured him with a smile.

"I appreciate it, Moogle." Daniel replied with a smile of his own, before pressing the keyless entry code to their front door, pushing it open and stepping in once it was unlocked. He allowed Alan to follow in behind him, before closing and locking it shut. "We can head into the living room. My dad is at the university grabbing some documents, but he'll be back soon. My mom should be downstairs. Her office is there. I'll go get her."

Alan followed Daniel into their rather lavish living room, a sectional couch of white in the middle of the room, a rather large television mounted on the wall across from it. Pictures of different abstract pieces lined the walls, along with awards, degrees, and accolades from every member of the Lang household. There was a glass display case of trophies and plaques placed in the corner of the room, along with childhood photos of both Daniel and his brother, Brian and older sister. Alan took a seat on the couch, the lush cushions slowly beginning to surround him as he eased back comfortably. He watched Daniel leave the room and exit surrounded by several shelves of books down a flight of stairs leading to a basement.

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