Chapter 1

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    Sombra P.O.V

My day wasn't the best one.

Reaper said that I have to go hack some files again. But he warned me that I have to go to overwatch's Base.

'Ugh does he think I'm a Child?' I take a deep breath before vanishing.

'to be honest, I haven't met all the overwatch agents ( heheheh - author)maybe I'll meet the rest today, of course, while I'm invisible'.

''Hey Hanzo, Do you have a minute?'' cyborg asked.

''Of course, Genji, what is bothering you?'' Dude with a bow questioned the cyborg.

I start spying on them.  'maybe I'll learn something valuable' I chuckle.

''Wait I think I heard something..'' Genji said.

''Me too'' Hanzo said while looking around.

'Oh crap' I started to sneak away but I accidentally kick something. 'Ugh, they are so gonna find me now.' 

''It came from there,'' Genji said while pointing directly at me.

''Whos There!?'' Hanzo shouted.

Hanzo's P.O.V

I knew someone is there, I was sure about it.

''Come Out!'' I yelled, trying to see who was there but I saw nothing.

We waited a couple of minutes, Nothing happened.

Sombra P.O.V

'Damn I hate this my time is almost up before I rematerialize' i cursed

Biip Biip Biip

''Shit!'' I said out loud 

I rematerialized almost in front of them.

''Who are you?!'' Genji said. I couldn't materialize because it was charging. I tried to call Reaper but I couldn't.

''Answer me!'' Genji said his voice becoming louder. Now more people gathered around.

''SOMBRA! WHY ARE YOU HERE?'' shouted.

''Sombra? You are that famous Talon hacker?'' Genji was confused.

''Oh your right-'' I smirked. ;)

''What do you want?!'' Hanzo asked, his eyes burning in anger.

I stayed silent. I heard someone pulled the trigger and the bullet slice a piece of my ear, making it bleed.

''Ouch!'' I heard Genji groan.

''What the hell? did you shoot Genji? Ana?'' Hanzo said.

''No I didn't'' Ana said, confused.

''I'll try'' said and shot my left arm. ' Ouch!' I held my arm. ( didn't use her bot. just telling!don't ask me why are they shooting her :D)

''Ouch!!'' Genji said even louder. 

''What The hell?!'' Hanzo and said since they were both confused.

''I think I'll take my leave,'' I said and I tried to materialize but I failed.

'The hell??! Why can't I materialize?? if I can't leave soon I'll pass out because of blood loss!' I tried thinking a way out but I felt someone grabbing my neck and held me in the air.

''WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER??!!!'' Hanzo shouted at me.

''SERIOUSLY I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOUR BROTHER!'' I Yelled at him. I tried to struggle to get free, but I failed. I started to feel dizzy. 'No not now! I can't pass out now!'

''Gah!'' Genji tried to get some air.


Hanzo let go of my neck just in time. I start breathing heavily and so does Genji.

I started to get dizzy again.'no not now.....' i tried fighting the pain and dizziness but I couldn't, I passed out.

third person's P.O.V

''What are we going to do to her?'' Winston asked.

''We gotta get some information from her,'' Genji said confidently.

''WHAT?!'' some people say in shock (for some reason? XD).

''I'm not joking we need information why this is happening, I don't really care but...'' he said trying NOT to show any emotion against the hacker. he didn't know the fact that he was blushing slightly.

''Alright.'' Ana said, making others shocked. ''we need that information because Talon can use this to hurt Genji.'' she said calmly.

'' I agree'' Hanzo said, people can see from his face that he doesn't want his brother to die because of some hacker.

''Take her to a room and watch over her,'' Ana said. ''Genji and Hanzo look after her.''

''Okay.''  The brothers say in sync.

Genji P.O.V

'Damn she hasn't woken up yet. We even healed her.' I  just sit there looking at her.

''what's wrong Genji?'' Hanzo asked.

''nothing brother...'' I said, But Hanzo knew he was lying.

Hours passed, Sombra didn't wake up. For some reason, I suddenly got worried that she'll never wake up. Hanzo (of course begin good protective brother) noticed my worry. 

''Genji will find out what is wrong with you so don't worry.'' Hanzo said giving me a small smile.

I smile back but it won't help. I thought of starting a conversation so I asked him about his boyfriend.

''So... Hows Mcree?'' I asked. He blushed when I said that.

'' He's doing fine.'' He just left it to that.

''Oh sorry, I didn't wanna make you embarrassed Hanzo.'' I said while I was the one embarrassed.

''it's alright, why would I be embarrassed when I talk about him?'' He laughed.

Well, that was nice. He was doing well with his own lover. I couldn't help but smile. I looked at Sombra, She looked so calm when she slept. 'Wait what? why would I think that? oh hell no! I'm not falling for her! am I?' i shook the idea out of my head. I looked at her again but this I looked at her arm. ' why is her hand so red? I need to figure it out.'

''Hanzo Can you get something for us to eat?'' Genji asked.

''sure, what do you have in mind?'' Hanzo said while opening the door.

''I'll have some cherry tea.'' I said. I realized that I didn't ask for any food, only something to drink.

''Alright but you didn't ask for any food, Genji are you alright?'' Hanzo was confused and worried at the same time.

''Yeah I'm alright, just tired'' I said to him, hoping that would make him sure I'm alright.

''Okay then.'' He said while leaving the room.

I used this chance to look at her hand. I checked her hand... the view was horrifying...



This was my first chapter of my very first fanfic!

hope you enjoyed.


P.S remember you can sent me ideas for the story, I can't pick every single one but I'll try something. and if I don't write then I'm busy with school.


Words: 1045 (whew)

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