Chapter 3

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Sombra P.O.V

I talked with Mercy until Genji and Ana came in. Ana started asking me questions.

''So, Why are you working for Talon?'' She asked.

''I WAS forced to work with them'' I said truthfully.

''You were forced to work with them because of your ability as a hacker?'' She said trying to scan me if I was lying.

''Yes'' I said. Genji noticed that I was uncomfortable, he whispered something in Ana's ear.

''sorry for making you nervous'' Ana said taking a deep breath.

'' It's alright, I'm just not used to begin around people who are not going hurt me or force me to do something'' I said.

I noticed that Genji smiled at me. I smiled back.

''Sooo... how did you keep her calm, Genji?'' Ana said smirking.

''Um..'' He blushed and I blushed too. 

'' so??'' she said grinning madly.

''I just kept my calm '' I said trying to save Genji from the embarrassment.

'' okay'' Ana said little defeated. '' I'll Go now, I have paperwork to do.'' she said grinning.

And then Ana Left the room.

''Why Did she ask That???!!'' I said blushing.

''she suspects something'' Genji said blushing slightly. '' are you hungry? I can get you something'' he said trying to change the subject.

''No I'm fine'' I said. I was actually hungry but I didn't want him to go away. 

''If you want me to stay then I can stay, if you want'' He said, making me blush.

''How did you know?'' I said, little shocked since I don't think I said that out loud.

''I don't know? I just somehow heard it?'' Genji said little confused.

'' It's weird that first that when I get hurt you get hurt and second now we can hear each other's thoughts...'' I said.

''yeah...'' He said and after that, there was an awkward silence again.

''COME ON! AT LEAST DO SOMETHING!'' We heard mercy yell.

''What?'' I said while Genji just stared.

''Oops..'' Mercy said and others come out.

''Great mercy you exposed us'' Ana said.

''Why are you guys here?'' Genji asked. 'Oh god, they think we are together or something D:'

''um nothing'' Brigitte said.

There was silence. I Genji glared at them and I just stared. Mercy tried sneaking away but Ana caught her.

I noticed that there was a window that you could slide open and go outside. ( sorry I don't know what dat is XD) There was a small beautiful Sakura tree, and it was blooming. It made me smile.

'It's beautiful' I thought to myself.

'Thanks' I heard Genji's thought. ' I planted that sakura tree'

'Can I go see it?' Asked him.

'sure I'll keep them away' He responded

I started to walk towards the sakura tree. I noticed that Hanzo was there, meditating. I . I didn't wanna start a fight now. I tried to sneak back to where Genji was.

''Oh nooooo'' I said to myself and of course, Genji somehow heard me. Hanzo heard me too.

I'm so screwed' i thought while trying to show Genji that Hanzo was here.

''Why are you here?!'' Hanzo said madly.

''I wanted to see the sakura close'' I said trying not to panic.

Genji noticed and rushed over here. I little bit felt like I was some sort of baby. But Genji stopped behind me, and I noticed why. Ana was coming to this direction.

'' What is the problem here?'' She said trying to block the eye contact.

'' Her'' Hanzo said Furiously. ''she's the problem here''

''Why? I don't think she's a problem. she hasn't hacked anything'' Ana said trying to get Hanzo to leave. 

''I don't trust her!'' he yelled.

''Well it doesn't mean you have to pick on her every time you see her'' Ana said.

Me and Genji sneak away behind the sakura. I blushed slightly.

''Why are we here?'' I asked, I could feel my face heating up.

''I just wanted to get away from Hanzo'' He said. He was blushing madly. 

'' What are you guys doing here?'' Mercy came behind the Tree, smirking.

''Mercy don't you dare. we weren't doing anything'' Genji said his embarrassment could be heard from his voice.

I just sneak away to my room, blushing.

''sooooo what is between you and Genji?'' I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw with a grumpy look.

''What do you mean?'' I asked her nervously.

'' I mean he pulled you with him under the sakura tree and you 2 are almost always together'' she said with a jealous look.

''Are you jealous?'' I said. I noticed I was going hard again.

''no but I don't like my teammate to be with villans'' She said, mumbling something.

''Sureee'' I said with an annoyed tone.

'This bitch is trying to get me in trouble' I thought angrily. And Of course, Genji heard that.

He was Mad. Really mad af. He walked to us.

 ''um excuse me are you trying to get her in trouble?'' Genji came here and looked furious.

''What no pfft why would I want her in trouble?'' said, trying to get away.

''Well I DID see you with her and she looked Very uncomfortable'' He said.

''I don't care, shes the intruder here'' She said while chewing her gum.

''Well I do care and shes not an intruder'' He was more pissed at her friend's act.

I just stand there and try to keep my calm and tough act. I just hated how she just didn't care how Genji felt.

''What's so special about her?'' she asked Genji, tried to catch the reason why he protected the hacker.

Genji couldn't do this anymore he felt his power ran out of his control. Genji's Dragon appeared out of nowhere. As expected got scared and backed away a little bit.

''GENJI CALM DOWN!'' Ana shouted and tried to calm Genji down. I was just glued to the ground, paralyzed. i fell to my knees.

Genji P.O.V

'That  BITCH!' I thought. I noticed that I Let Soba out of control again. I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't, I was too mad at the Then I noticed Sombra on her knees. ' shes in a weak state again....' I can't help her, everyone will see..' FUCK THAT! I calmed myself down and went to check on Sombra. She was traumatized. I helped her up. She went to her bed. I left her alone and pushed others out of her room and closed the door.

'I hope she doesn't hate me...'


Yassss Chap 3 Done!

Im happy !

words: 1112

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