❤️Coffee Lovers❤️

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Hello, This is a little short story this not to do with the story you're reading right now, This just to hold you up while I'm finishing the chapter 👌,Anytime I have writers block I'll do one like this!, Anyways enjoy ❤️

Shinso POV

Anytime I'm at the Coffee shop I see this Boy, He has green hair green innocent eyes and pink lips, He is perfect, But I never have the guts to ask him out on a date.

As I was starring at him and lost in my thoughts he noticed me, he waves at me witch snaps me out my thoughts, My face went red from embarrassment and I waved back and smiles softly, He then smiles and then went back to looking at his laptop and drink his coffee I think he like writer or something, He then packs up his laptop, I then looked at my phone and drinks my coffee, But then I felt the table shake, " Um, Hello!" The voice was so soft and high pitch a bit like a girl but it didn't sound like one, I look up and I was so surprised at who was Sitting at my table and Looking at me, It was the green hair guy " Hello..." I said as he smiled " My name is Izuku Minoriya you?" He asked " Hitoshi Shinso" I told him "You know your kinda cute~, Wanna Hangout for a bit ?" My face is now red " S-Sure" he laughs a bit, He then get me and him a new coffee " You have sweet tooth?" He nods " Yeah I do, You like Black plan coffee?" I nod " Do you like candy ?" He asked " Its okay it's not the best though " he gasped " Omg, I don't know you " He giggles a bit " I know your joking around and everything but to be all honest you really don't " I laughed a bit as I said that " Hmmm Okay favorited color?" He asked " Purple, You?"  " GREEN!" He said, I laughed " What do you do for livening " I asked him" I write a blog and help people with story's ,You?" He said " I work at the gym in summer but I work as teachers most of the time " He smiles as I was talking " That's really cool!" He said " So what up with messy green hair " I laughed as he gasped " HOW DARE YOU!, Hmph!" He looks away from me " I'm just kidding it looks really soft and it's a cute messy way " He then smiles and looks back at me and giggles " You want to touch my hair ?" I nod softly He this smiles, I ruffled his hair witch was so soft and curly " OH!, I was right it is really soft " I said as I keep ruffling his hair, I soon stoped and went back to my seat" What's up with your crazy purple hair ?" He asked " nothing much it's just crazy in love with you" I said he then laughed to the point he was crying " OH mY GOd PFFfF HAHA, NICE PICK UP LINE HAH!!" He was still laughing, when he finally calms down and smiles " Can you breath finally?" He nods and giggles a bit, He then grabs my hand and pen he wrote his number on my hand " Call me anytime !" He said " Oh and can you walk me home , I would like to talk more" I nodded as I then get up and put some money on the table and then start to walk with him, we talked noun stop until we were at his house he then smiled and grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a kiss he put his tongue inside my mouth and sucked on my tongue when he pulled away and walk inside to his house I felt something in my mouth and tasted something sweet I pulled it out my mouth and realized it was a pice of candy, He kissed me and passed me candy from his mouth, My face was completely red from the walk home.

Hope you liked it Remember this is just little story so it has nothing to do with the real chapter or anything.

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